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1 week later

Ahsoka's POV

We were back on Coruscant and the Council has tried to find the whereabouts of Anakin but there's been no news. Darth Atrius managed to push us away and before we could even get on our feet, he was gone, he had taken something from the base but we didn't know what so all the clones and the Jedi were on high alert in case something happened out of the blue. I was worried about Anakin, usually, he'd be able to find his way back to Coruscant by now and a hundred different theories were 'clouding my judgement' as Master Kenobi said. I could tell he was worried about his former Padawan as well but he tried not to show it, as a Master you were supposed to let go of your student when they became a Jedi Knight but that wasn't the case between him and Anakin and I doubted it would be the case between Anakin and I. Obi-wan and Anakin were, in a weird way, like my older brothers, always bickering and arguing with each other but supportive and encouraging towards me and Anakin has taught me so much within these past few years and Obi-wan was always saying how similar we were which made me feel proud of myself. 

I was walking through the hallways towards Obi-wan's class that I had now and as I entered I saw Master Yoda and Master Kenobi in a conversation.

"Sorry Masters, I-I'll wait outside," I apologised.

"Take a seat, you can, Padawan Tano finished soon, we will be," Master Yoda replied.

I hesitated but nodded and took a seat at one of the tables, I got out my datapad and pretended to do something on it as I listened in on the conversation. I didn't mean to but I wanted to know if they'd heard anything about Anakin.

"Said it before, I have, a warning in the force, I have felt. Hmm yes, mindful of your attachments you must be, Obi-wan. Let go of your Padawan, you must. Every Padawan, walk a different path, they do. Sense that Skywalker will walk a different path soon, a path, you cannot follow, unsure of what this path is, but let go of your attachment to your Padawan, you should," Master Yoda warned.

"Is he in danger?" Obi-wan asked quietly.

"Maybe, unclear and clouded by the dark side, the force is. A warning I have received, within the force. Correct, the warning may not be, but wary we must all be." 

"I understand Master," Obi-wan sighed.

Master Yoda looked down at the ground and then nodded, looking grim and saddened by something. The wise Grand Master left the room and Master Kenobi looked over to me and walked over.

"I assume you heard all of that," he said leaning against the chair of the desk in front of me.

"Yeah, I wasn't really trying to though," I argued defensively.

There was some silence between us and he sighed, I could tell he was troubled by the news.

"What did Master Yoda mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, it could mean a lot of things. There's no way to be sure about anything to do with the force these days," Master Kenobi replied, "But, Anakin had visions a while ago about him turning to the dark side of the force. I saw the visions as well, there is a possibility that he might but I highly doubt that," 

"He had visions about himself turning to the dark side?" 

"Yes, it was one of the main reasons he didn't decide to in the end in the Chancellor's office when he offered Anakin to join him," Obi-wan sighed.

I nodded and he looked up as the rest of the class piled into the room. My mind was racing with the information that I was just told and I couldn't concentrate on what Master Kenobi was saying. I knew that the Chancellor had asked Anakin to join the dark side of the force and that he'd been manipulating Anakin ever since he had known him because he saw how powerful he was with the force. I also knew that he almost accepted and I had seen the recordings and how he almost dropped his lightsaber and joined him but I thought the main reason he didn't was because Obi-wan was there. Of course, that was probably a factor in the end but I didn't know about the visions that he had, what had he seen in those visions? Was Obi-wan and I in them?

A blaring siren sounded off in the Temple and Obi-wan froze and looked around and presumably reached out within the force to try and sense what was going on. 

"Everybody stay calm," Obi-wan commanded.

My heart was racing and pounding in my chest as the siren continued to go off, Obi-wan was talking into the comms and I watched as his face fell and seriousness take over.

"Everyone go out into the hallway now," Obi-wan commanded, "There is an attack on Coruscant and the Padawans and Younglings are leaving to go somewhere safe," 

We all rushed out into the hallway where Master Sinube was waiting, he exchanged looks with Obi-wan and the Padawans around me were radiating fear and worry.

"Padawans follow me, quickly," Master Sinube shouted.

"Ahsoka, stay with me," Obi-wan interjected.

Master Sinube and the Padawans disappeared down the hallway and I followed Master Kenobi into the hanger where the 212th and 501st were waiting.

"The attacks have already started and some Jedi and battalions are there, we're joining them," he explained quickly, "You're leading the 501st,"

"What! Master, I can't lead the 501st in a battle like this I've never done it before and there are even more people in the 501st now!" I argued as worry and distress washed over me.

Obi-wan placed his hands on my shoulders and he sent calming waves through the force towards me and my eyes met his blue ones that reminded me of Anakin and that thought alone relaxed me slightly.

"Ahsoka, Anakin would want you to lead them. They're your men just as much as they're Anakin's, he's taught you well and if you follow in his footsteps then you'll be just fine, trust me Ahsoka," Obi-wan said firmly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before nodding and opening them.

"Alright," I replied.

The next few minutes passed in a blur, we loaded onto gunships and we're dropped off at the battle zone in front of the Jedi Temple. Coruscant was on fire and citizens we're running around screaming and taking off in any ships they could find, while millions of battle droids shot everything in sight. Separatists bombers flew overhead and bombed buildings as the Jedi and clones flew through the air and tried to stop them. It was chaos.

"Hold the line!" I shouted to Rex who repeated it to the 501st.

We were fighting alongside the 212th and two other battalions trying to protect the Jedi Temple while the Younglings and Padawans escaped. I knew Senator Amidala was on board and she'd be helping the Younglings and Padawans stay as calm as they could.

Thousands of battle droids were in front of us firing and I clutched my green lightsabers tightly as I deflected the bolts like I had done a million times before, but this time felt different. It felt like it was the finale, this was the final battle, after years of war and death I felt like this was it, this was the end.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself and my anxiety that was creeping up on me, the weight of my lightsabers in my hands was reassuring but I would've traded them both for Anakin's presence in a heartbeat. 

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