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Obi-wan's POV

I sighed as I walked around the empty gardens in the room of a thousand fountains, Anakin's words echoing around in my head. The Council has always been a subject we argued about ever since he was my Padawan, couldn't he see I was just trying to look out for him? I rubbed my face and sighed as I looked around the calming gardens. 

"Troubled, you are Obi-wan. By Skywalker I presume," Yoda said walking towards me.

I jumped not seeing the old Jedi Master walking towards me and grimaced. 

"You presumed correctly," I sighed.

"Hmm, yes, know of your struggles, I do," Yoda continued, "A good Jedi, you are, and a good friend. Wrong it was, for the Council to try and get you to get Skywalker to speak. Tell us in time, he will,"

"I'm worried that he could be in danger from the dark side of the force,"

"Hmm, a valid concern it is, in danger, I do not think Skywalker is in. The dark side, no longer growing in him. But clouded, the force still is," Yoda reassured, "Friendship, essential to a Jedi's life, but careful to not let it turn into attachment, close friends, you and Skywalker are, too close some Jedi, may say, but a strong friendship, you have with each other. Friendship, you both need, in the wrong, you both were but important it is, to keep friendship,"

"I agree that friendship is an important aspect in a Jedi's life but I should probably leave Anakin some time to cool down," 

"Regret his outburst, he does, talk to him now, you should. Need your help with something, Skywalker does, unsure of what it is, but help him, you can," 

"Right, thank you Master," I replied bowing.

Yoda bowed back and I quickly left the room and went into the elevator up to Anakin's floor where his apartment was. I paused in front of his door and hesitantly knocked, I heard his quiet footsteps and then his door opened a little bit and looked slightly surprised to see me and through our force bond, I could sense his guilt. 

"I had a talk with Master Yoda, I've realised what I've been doing and you were right in some sense," I said.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you, I know you were just following the Code and Orders," Anakin sighed, "I'm sorry," 

"I'm sorry as well, you weren't the only one in the wrong,"

There was silence for second and then Anakin sighed and opened the door further.

"There's someone who kind of wants to meet you," he said.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion but entered Anakin's dark apartment, all the blinds were drawn shut and there were no lights on. Anakin shut the front door behind me and I walked down the hallway into the main part of his apartment and that's when I saw the force ghost sitting on an armchair. A blue glow surrounded his outline and it was the only light in the room, he had short blonde hair and deep green eyes and Jedi Robes that I've never seen before. 

"You must be Obi-wan Kenobi, I've been waiting to meet you for a while now," the ghost greeted smiling slightly.

The ghost had a slight beard and looked to be in his fifties maybe? He still looked quite young but most Jedi looked young but were actually older which is why Jedi usually live a long time.

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