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Anakin's POV

Kol explained everything to them as he did to me and answered any questions that they had, Obi-wan seemed interested while Windu was wary but intrigued. Yoda was just surprised that the Skywalker line went back to the first Grandmaster of the Old Republic. When I had first come to the Temple to be trained, Yoda was convinced that there was no one else in my family line who were force-sensitive only to find out now that it went back a lot further.

"What about the Chosen One prophecy, is it referring to Anakin or someone else?" Obi-wan asked.

"I do not know for certain but I believe it is, the person who predicted the prophecy believed that one of my descendants would be the Chosen One to bring balance to the force. The prophecy does state that there will be a Chosen One born of no father and through him, ultimate balance in the force shall be restored. Anakin was created by the force and has no father so like Qui-Gon most Jedi in the afterlife believe that he is the one," Kol replied.

It felt weird to know that I was created by the force, Kol had told me a while ago but it didn't seem to fully sink in until now. It was rumoured that I was created by the force but it was never confirmed until now.

"Why didn't the prophet say that it would be a Skywalker and not just a random person,"

"Because the Skywalker line could've ended long before now so it would've had to have been someone else. The Skywalker line technically should've ended with Shimi, Anakin's mother and the force couldn't allow that so thus, creating Anakin and balancing out the force slightly when the sith made a dark force nexus," Kol explained, "If the line did end then the force would have to choose another family line powerful enough to fit the Chosen One into," 

"Is there any particular reason why the force wanted it to be a Skywalker more than any other line?" Obi-wan asked.

"As I explained before, Saki and I were evenly balanced because we were both trained by the same Master and throughout the Palpatine and Skywalker lines we've always been evenly matched," 

"I definitely wasn't as strong as Darth Sidious, the only reason I bet him was because something weird happened," I interjected.

"That is true, but you did do those things because you can do them now. You were supposed to unlock your full potential by yourself but the force had to make it happen right then and there so you would survive. The Force, in a weird way, regards you as its son and it wants to protect you as much as it can so thus, that's why all that stuff happened while you were fighting Sidious," Kol informed, "The Force is always strong within you and around you, wherever you go especially Coruscant and Tatooine since their your homes,"

"True, this is. Sense it I have, the force, strong it is when you are here, when you're off-planet, strong the force still is, but not as strong," Yoda agreed.

"If the force regards Anakin as its son and doesn't want him to die then doesn't that kind of make Anakin immortal?" Obi-wan asked.

"No, the force can not stop death and in the situation, with Darth Sidious, the force just gave Anakin the ability to protect himself and to unlock his full potential so he could win. If Anakin was stabbed by a lightsaber the force couldn't heal him or stop it from happening," 

"Hmm, interesting but also worrying this is," Yoda announced, "If someone were to find out, in grave danger, you could be Skywalker,"

"I've been training Anakin within the past month to control and unlock new abilities, he's can handle and protect himself and maybe he's ready to take on Darth Actus," Kol responded, "Obi-wan trained him better than any other Jedi could have to prepare him for this because it was the will of the force,"

"We don't know where Darth Actus even is, we haven't heard of his whereabouts in months and I don't think it's a good idea to send a bunch of Jedi in there without learning about what he's capable of. You said that the Palpatine's are evenly matched with the Skywalker's, Anakin is already extremely powerful so Darth Actus must be equally as powerful. Darth Actus would just be slaughtering Jedi with the blink of an eye," Windu protested.

"Don't worry, I'm not in any rush to fight him," I sighed.

"Proceed with caution we should," Yoda warned.

There was silence before it was broken by Obi-wan's yawn that he was trying to hide, it was midnight and completely dark outside with the exception of building lights and speeder lights. 

"We should probably head out," Windu suggested.

"Yes, but Anakin, I have something to show you first," Kol said.

I nodded and I saw the other three share looks.

"You three may come along if you would like," Kol added.

Obi-wan nodded and the three Jedi Masters followed us out of the room, we went down into the depths of the Temple past the place where I did my training with Kol. We jumped down multiple hatches and it was steadily growing colder until finally we reached a door and stopped, Kol pressed the button on the control panel and the door hissed open to reveal a dark room. It was made out of black tiles and at the end of the room, there was a pedestal with nothing on it.

"There's something for you on the pedestal for you, but be wary, I sense that there are a lot of traps in this room," Kol explained.

"That's just great," I muttered taking a step forward into the room.

Farsight was one of the first things you learnt as a Youngling in the Temple, from a young age I was extremely in tune with my farsight senses, therefore, I could do podracing on Tatooine. I took a deep breath and sighed before taking another step into the room. I sensed danger coming from the right and dropped to the ground, an arrow flew over my head and from there I kept sensing more danger. I saw the future in front of my eyes and quickly did flips and spins across the room to avoid the arrows and blasts that came in my direction. I landed on the tile that the pedestal was on and made the ground shake and pushed the force outwards at the same time. A blue hue ran along the edge of my force push and all the arrows that were currently in the air blew harmlessly against the walls. I looked around and couldn't sense any more danger or any farsight visions, I turned to the pedestal and saw a lock pad like the one that was on the Jedi Holocron door. 

"What's the force password?" I asked Kol.

"Trust your instincts, you know what it is," he replied.

"That's helpful," I grumbled turning back to the looming black pedestal.

I closed my eyes and reached out with the force, I didn't even realise I was unlocking the lock until I heard a click. My eyes snapped open and the pedestal moved back into the wall, there were a series of more clicks and I looked back to Kol who nodded. The wall slid opened and white smoky stuff wisped around in the air, the room beyond it was completely pitch black and I gulped.

"Go ahead, I don't think there's anything too dangerous in there," Kol said.

I looked back at them and Yoda and Windu seemed fine with it while Obi-wan was slightly wary, I looked back to the room and grabbed my lightsaber igniting the dark blue blade for light as I stepped forward. I walked down the hallway until I reached another room, I hesitantly stepped forward and that's when I saw another lightsaber on a pedestal glinting against the dark blue light of my lightsaber.

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