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(Btw 'klicks' is supposed to be spelt like that since I'm talking about the measurement, it's like a sort of shortened version of kilometres so it's not a spelling mistake. Just so you know) 

Anakin's POV

We landed in front of the cruiser wreckage that was still partly on fire, the ship was completely wrecked and it didn't look like there could've been any survivors. But Shaak Ti was strong and she would've tried to protect most of her platoon. 

"So, how does psychometry work for you?" Windu asked as we began to walk through the ruined cruiser.

The metal groaned and creaked and every so often something would move which made us jump. Fuel and water were everywhere but luckily the fire hadn't reached the fuel yet so we still had a bit of time before this ship blew up even more.

"I need something of Shaak Ti's or one of the clones that were taken with her," I replied searching the ground.

"We should head up to the bridge, that's where she was when she was taken so maybe there's some evidence up there," Windu suggested.

I nodded and we jumped up to the next floor and walked over to the open and broken elevator shafts. We began to climb up, using the wires and the force to climb up to what was left of the bridge, some clone bodies laid on the ground. Blood was splattered on their armour and on the floor from the crash while we found some clones with blaster wounds, probably from the people who took Shaak Ti and the remainder of the clones. 


I spun around to see Mace holding a lightsaber in his hands, I ran over to him and looked at Shaak Ti's lightsaber. Blood stained part of the lightsaber and I couldn't tell if it was hers or someone else's. Mace ignited the lightsaber and the bright blue blade appeared.

"Can you use this?" Mace asked holding it out.

"Yeah, I think so," I replied. 

Mace turned the lightsaber off and passed it to me, I examined the hilt before retreating to a flat surface so I could sit down and concentrate. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while gripping the lightsaber tightly in my palm, I heard Mace walk away to go check for any other evidence and I tried to relax a bit more.

Soon enough I could feel every dint, scratch and scuff mark on the lightsaber. The smooth metal was cold and one of the knobs on it was broken off. 

Show me where Shaak Ti was taken.

A jerk came from the back of my skull and suddenly I was standing in the ruined ship, but I wasn't alone.

A hundred droids were firing at the survivors and Shaak Ti was at the front deflecting the blasts and cutting down droids. Most of the clones had been killed and only a small squad remained, the transmitter Shaak Ti had been using was lying on the floor, forgotten and I watched helplessly as her lightsaber was knocked out of her hand by a blast and another one hit her leg making her fall to the ground. The droids stopped firing and a super droid walked forward and aimed a gun at the torguta's head. 

"You're coming with us Jedi," 

The droid firing and my jaw dropped for a moment but a bit of relief flooded through me when I realised it was just a stun blast. The remaining clones dropped their guns and held there hands up in surrender and the droids aimed their guns at them but thankfully, didn't fire. I followed them as they exited the ship and went towards the speeders. One of them used a transmitter to speak to someone, I couldn't see who they were speaking to but their voice sounded so cold and chilling. 

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