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Ahsoka's POV

We arrived at the headquarters for the Separatists and immediately had to jump onto a nearby building to avoid the droids walking around. We left the speeders a fair way away so hopefully, no droids would spot them and give away our intentions.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"Go into the building and place the detonators around, I'll try and find the tactical droid," Anakin replied.

"What if you're spotted?" 

"Trust me, I won't be. Stick to the vents and clean up any droids that you take down,"

"I know, I know," I whispered. 

We both went our own ways, Anakin continued down the hallway as I jumped up into the vents after placing a detonator at the entryway. 

I moved through the vents jumping down at every grate to place a few detonators and setting them before moving on. I hadn't run into any droids so far and I had almost finished placing my detonators when my comm beeped.

"Ahsoka, have you set all the detonators yet?" Anakin asked through the commlink.

"Almost, where are you?" I replied.

"On the roof of this building, make your way up here when you're done," 

"Yes, Master,"

I quickly finished setting the rest of the charges before quickly making my way up to the roof and kicking open the trapdoor. Anakin was lying on his stomach near the edge with a sniper rifle in his hands.

"Where did you get that from?" I asked lying on my stomach next to Anakin and looking over the edge.

"Rex thought it might be useful, I guess he was right," 

I saw all the battle droids in lines ready to march on the city with the tactical droid relaying orders to the commander droids that were painted yellow.

"Do you know how to use a sniper?" I asked.

"Of course Snips, I'm self-taught,"  

"That's reassuring," I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

Anakin took aim and I watched as his finger slowly pulled down on the trigger three times. Three blue bolts hit the tactical droid, the two hitting the droids head and chest while the third one dismembered its head from its neck. The commander droids looked up at us and Anakin stood up and backed away to the edge of the roof.

"Can you jump that?" he asked.

I looked between the edge of this roof and the gate that surrounded this building.

"Of course Master, I think I should be asking you that question," I teased.

"Watch out for blasters,"

Anakin and I ran forward towards the edge of the roof and leapt off it, using the force to aid our jump. We flew through the air with our lightsabers ignited to block the bolts that came towards us. We cleared the gate and rolled on the ground to take some of the impact of the landing off our ankles.

"Ahsoka set off the detonators!" Anakin yelled as we ran.

I pulled out the control and pressed the yellow button on top, the building shook at first and then smoke and fire rose up out of the building as it exploded. Bits of the walls and thousands of droid parts flew through the air and landed near us, we jumped onto our speeders and quickly drove away at full speed to avoid anything from landing on us.

We reached our base and Obi-wan raised an eyebrow when he saw us.

"I'm surprised you didn't set off any alarms," he said jokingly.

"I'm surprised you former Padawan knows how to use a gun, you always say those things are too uncivilized for you to use," I replied walking over to him as Anakin went to go return the sniper to Rex.


"Master Skywalker took out the tactical droid with a sniper, he claims that he's self-taught." 

Anakin came over to us and Obi-wan folded his arms in a sort of joking way.

"When did you learn how to use a rifle?" Obi-wan asked Anakin.

"Ah, I was hoping Ahsoka wouldn't mention that," Anakin replied narrowing his eyes at me.

I grinned and Obi-wan raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer, the two were always arguing with each other and it was something I kind of missed when I left the Temple last year. That was still a sensitive subject between Anakin and I but Anakin wasn't the person to talk about troublesome past memories. Sometimes it often meant they catch up to him in the future and he'll be forced to deal with it then but I didn't want to bring up the subject.

"When did you learn how to use a blaster?" Obi-wan asked.

"16, but to be fair I did have a good reason. My lightsaber was shot out of my hand in the training room and I had no choice but to use a gun, plus, it does come in handy sometimes," Anakin argued.

"You were 16!"

"Yeah but it could've been a lot worse, would you rather me use a gun on the battlefield for the first time?" 

"Bold you to assume that you'd ever be picking up a gun when I'm around, especially when you were my Padawan,"

"Okay, but to be fair most Masters let there Padawans train with a blaster for a short amount of time when they turn 16," Anakin pointed out.

"Most Masters, not me, Qui-Gon never let me train with a blaster and when you were 15 I told you quite clearly that you wouldn't be picking up a blaster,"

"How come I never did blaster training if most Padawans did it when they're 16?" I asked breaking up the argument.

"I don't actually know, I must've forgotten about it," Anakin replied frowning, "You can learn from Rex once we get back because according to my former Master, he won't let me use a blaster,"

"Ahsoka is my grand-padawan so I can have a say whether she uses a blaster or not,"

"But as her Master, I have more authority over you,"

"Technically I'm allowed to voice my opinion," Obi-wan replied.

"Alright, fine," Anakin said, "If you have any objections feel free to put them in the suggestion box,"

"That's a trash can," Obi-wan pointed out.


I snorted and turned away as Obi-wan looked at me sharply. 

"C'mon Snips we've got to make sure the Separatist droids are actually gone, round up a small squadron,"

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