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Anakin's POV

"You must be Darth Atrius," I replied glaring at the sith lord.

"I've heard of your reputation, I must say I was expecting someone older and wiser. My father talked of you becoming his new apprentice, Darth Vader. I thought he was foolish trying to convince a Skywalker to the dark side but now I see why else he wanted to do it," Darth Atrius spat, "You're the son of the Force and the so-called 'Chosen One', you'd make a powerful ally to the dark side. But my father was foolish and should've known that you would kill him. I'm here to avenge my father and to finally put an end to the Skywalker line!"

"I must say, basing everything around revenge never ends well. You won't get very far with trying to kill me," I retorted.

"We'll see," he hissed.

I ignited my lightsaber as he ignited his and leapt forward with a shrill scream. Our blades clashed, both of us not using Rajivari's lightsabers that we had on our belts. I managed to get on the offensive side and tried to use every trick I knew to gain some sort of advantage, Darth Atrius blocked all my blows and I could feel his anger and hatred slowly coming to a boiling point.

At the same time, we both kicked each others lightsabers out of our hands, I quickly used the force to shove Atrius back. I sent a force blast forwards him, something that Kol had taught me from the Old Republic days but Atrius flipped over it and one of the walls was blasted open.

"You're not the only one who can do a few tricks!" Atrius spat.

He flung his hands out and raging purple and blue force lightning erupted from his fingertips, I held my hands up and the blue-tinged shield appeared blocking and reflecting the force lightning back towards him. Atrius screamed at his failed attempt and I released my shield sending a surge towards him that slammed him into the wall. Artius ignited his other red lightsaber and I ignited my other one, we both leapt forward landing in the middle and Rajivari's twin blades clashed together with such force that the whole place shook and the ceiling cracked. We both went to force push each other but the power between them sent us both flying backwards, the ceiling caved in where we were standing and I saw the ship that Mace and Shaak Ti were in was in the air and the door was open. 

"C'mon Skywalker!" I heard Mace shout from inside.

I ran towards the ship and jumped inside calling both my lightsabers into my hands before closing the ships door. I placed them on my belt before running into the cockpit and sitting in the pilot seat, Mace let me take over and I quickly shot out of the hangar and the planet. Luckily nothing was following us and I could sense Atrius' presence was still on the planet.

We entered hyperspace and Mace got up and went to Shaak Ti to make sure she was alright and that her wounds were being tended to by the medical droid that was on every ship even if it was a Separatist one.

I leant back in the pilot's seat and let out a deep breath letting myself relax, my anxiety had built up while fighting Darth Atrius and my hands were still shaking slightly. The fight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I now know that he would come more prepared for our next battle whenever that would be. I closed my eyes and tried to use the force to calm down my erratic heart that didn't want to slow down. I saw a flash of a red blade and Darth Atrius' looming face behind my closed eyelids and they snapped open, my heartbeat was still going crazy and the force surrounded me tightly in case I needed it. Why was I so shaken up about my first encounter with Darth Atrius? It didn't go that bad. 

I thought back to when we both did the force push at the same time, usually, the person with more power would win but we were both sent flying back. I guess that's what I was worried about, supposedly every Skywalker and Palpatine were equals within the force at some stage but eventually one becomes stronger than the other and they'll most likely win. From the fight, I knew Darth Atrius wasn't giving his all to the fight and that was making my anxiety rise, what was he planning?

I felt Obi-wan's force presence reach out slightly, it was a weak gesture since we were lightyears apart but we did have a strong force bond. I could sense that he could sense my anxiety and slight fear from wherever he was and I knew his unasked question through the force. I sighed and vaguely sent back a sloppy message that I was fine before drawing my shields up so no one could sense my emotions and worries.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to Mace who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, I could tell that wasn't the first time he had called my name and mentally cursed myself for not being aware. 

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied.

Why was he asking me that so much today? Ever since I arrived at the Temple he's disliked me and on the rare occasion that we did go on a mission together, we didn't talk unless we had to. 

"Are you injured?" 

I shook my head and looked back at the hyperspace tunnel and took a deep breath slowly exhaling. I could tell Windu knew something was wrong but thankfully, he didn't push it like I knew Obi-wan would if he was here. Obi-wan and Ahsoka were probably on their mission now so they wouldn't be at the Temple. Padme was on Naboo for a while since her father was really ill and she needed to be with him in the tragic case that he passes away. 

A while later we came out of hyperspace and I had landed the ship on Coruscant, the familiar planet calmed my anxiety slightly. 

"Skywalker, can you take Shaak Ti down to the healing ward?" Windu asked.

I nodded and helped Shaak Ti to her feet and she placed an arm around my shoulders for support. We moved slowly off the ship and Yoda was already there talking to Windu when we stepped into the sunlight.

"Good to see you again, Shaak Ti, glad, I am, that you are safe," Yoda said.

"Thank you Master, I don't think I would've ever made it off that planet if you hadn't sent someone to look for me," she replied.

Yoda smiled and bowed to her, we moved towards the medical ward slowly as Windu and Yoda stayed by the ship and talked. 

Once we finally reached the healer's ward and Shaak Ti was settled in a room and I finally let out a deep breath. I turned to leave as the medical droids came into the room but Shaak Ti cleared her throat.

"Skywalker, please pass on this message to Master Windu as well. Thank you for rescuing me, if I was there any longer I do believe I would've died," Shaak Ti said.

"It wasn't a problem at all, it's what Jedi are supposed to do," 

"I suppose it is. Skywalker, don't put so much pressure on yourself alright? I sense your conflicted thoughts about your encounter with Darth Atrius, don't overthink it," 

"Thank you, may the force be with you," I said before leaving the room.

I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes, that definitely sounded like something Obi-wan would've said to me if he was here. I'd bet my lightsaber that he's talked to Shaak Ti through the force, even though I was slightly annoyed by this those words were slightly comforting.

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