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2 weeks later

Anakin's POV

We found out that the Zilo beast has been living in the depths of Coruscant for years, Zilo beast grow fast one they're born but stop after about 2 years. When we brought the first Zilo beast to Coruscant it had a child but no one knew about it since the place that the first Zilo beast was being held was destroyed. A massive sinkhole appeared and swallowed everything up including the egg, it was born a few days later and then it's been growing for years.

Windu wasn't happy with my recklessness but he couldn't argue with the results, Yoda didn't seem to mind what I had done and seemed almost interested. 

After the whole Zilo beast ordeal, the Council has been discussing the amounts of missions we had to go on. Some planets that we were aligned with had contacted us saying that droid armies are coming to attack their capitals so we assigned people to go deal with those and Shaak Ti had crashed on to a Separatist planet, we received a transmission from her only for her to be taken away along with some clones. We only know the location of the crash and not where they were taken and the Council was currently debating who to send.

"Quilan Vos is currently doing an undercover mission and can't go to the crash anytime soon," Eeth Koth explained.

"He's the only one with psychometry skills isn't he?" Adi asked.

"Skywalker, you have psychometry skills, don't you?" Aayla pointed out.

"Yes but they're not always reliable or as good as Quilan's," I argued.

"It's the best option we've got," she replied.

"Hmm yes, go with you, Mace will, your Padawan, with Obi-wan, she shall go," Yoda said.

"Yes Master," I replied.

Why was Windu coming with me? He usually avoided missions with us working together, I never knew why. Ever since I came to the Temple when I was 9 Windu seemed to grow a dislike for me even though I tried to do everything to please him. When I was around 19 I didn't care anymore and stopped trying so hard to please the Jedi Master. 

"Leave tonight you will," Yoda added, "Council dismissed,"

The Jedi Masters got out of their chairs and began talking to one another as they exited the room. Obi-wan left with me and he started talking about the mission he was going on, he had to go to Dantooine to protect the capital from a Separatist army that showed up. 

"Do you know where Ahsoka is? I should probably debrief her for the mission."

"She should be on a break right now, you'll probably find her in her dorm or the archives," I replied. 

"Are you coming?"

"No, she'll argue against it if I'm there. You'll be fine on your own," 

"Alright, if I don't see you before you leave then good luck for your mission," 

"You too," I sighed.

We parted ways and I went into my apartment, I could at least try and practice my psychometry skills. It was a rare force ability and it was hard to teach, it was basically the ability to sense the history of an object once you touch it. I wasn't naturally gifted with this ability, I learnt it in my Padawan years when Quilan Vos was at the Temple for a few weeks. Quilan's psychometry skills came naturally and sometimes he couldn't help but sense the history of an object which is why he wears gloves most of the time. 

I sat down on the floor in the living room of my small apartment and looked around for an object I could use. I looked down at my two lightsabers and unclipped them both from my belt, I've already had a psychometry experience with Kol's lightsaber and even though I made my lightsaber it would be interesting to see the history of it again and all the battles I've been in with it.

I placed Kol's lightsaber on the ground and held my own familiar lightsaber in my hand as I closed my eyes. I sunk into a meditation-like state and gripped my lightsaber tighter. I could feel the small dints and scratches in the smooth metal and the torn, slightly worn down grip of my lightsaber. I felt a jerk from the back of my skull and with a blinding flash, I was standing in the chancellor's office. 

The massive window was broken and the Chancellor and I were locked in a deadly lightsaber battle. Force lightning and electricity swirled around lighting up the room and our blades clashed so often that it was a blur of white in the middle. I watched as Darth Sidious' blood-red blade almost impaled me as my dark blue one went straight through the sith lord. Everything was still for a second until he fell down on the ground, dead. 

The scene changed and General Grievous was flying towards me with all his lightsabers ignited, my lightsaber was lying out of my reach on the ground and I was lying on my back. I used the force to quickly call my lightsaber into my hand and fumbled for the switch, immediately igniting it once I had it in my palm. It went straight through Grievous' heart or whatever organs he still had left. The cyborg's yellows eyes widened before his life force drained away and his robotic body went limp. 

Another flash and I was standing in the droid factory/base on Tatooine. Count Dooku and I were battling in the upper floor, years of fighting each other during the war had brought us to this moment. His hatred for me was clear and a small part of me returned the same hatred, it was hard not to once he cut off my right arm all those years ago on Geonosis when the clone wars first started. It happened fast, before any of us fully realised what had happened, my lightsaber penetrating Dooku's stomach. I turned my lightsaber off and his body fell to the ground, I was in a moment of disbelief. We had been fighting against each other for so many years that it almost felt strange for him to die, but I didn't have any time to think about that. 

There was another jerk from the back of my skull and I came out of the vision with a gasp. It took a few moments to straighten out my thoughts and slow my breathing down but once I had I leant back against the bottom of my couch and sighed. I really wish they'd chosen Vos for this mission, he was known for this sort of stuff and sometimes it didn't even work for me. But, Shaak Ti and any survivors were counting on me to find them not to mention I had to work with Mace Windu who refused to work with me or teach me when I was a Padawan.

The war was making strange things happen or maybe it wasn't the war, maybe it was just the will of the force taking place.

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