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Obi-wan's POV

Anakin and Ahsoka both woke up a few days later, their body temperature had returned to normal as did their heart rates. Ahsoka woke up first, early in the morning, I spoke to her for a while before she fell back asleep. Anakin woke up late at night, he wasn't really awake like Ahsoka was. He opened his eyes for a few seconds and tried to say something before he fell back asleep. 

The next day Anakin woke up properly. He was checked over by Kix and he removed the oxygen mask and then left after checking Ahsoka was okay too. His left hand and wrist were wrapped in gauze bandages that stopped halfway up his forearm to conceal the stitches that he needed to heal the long cut he got. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired," he yawned.

He moved himself up so he was sitting cross legged on the bed and his exposed mechanical arm made a screeching noise as it moved along the metal rails on either side of the bed. We both winced at the sound and Anakin cast an annoyed look at the exposed metal. Ahsoka came over onto Anakin's bed and sat on the end of it, Anakin and Ahsoka's legs were still both weak from the lack of use these past few days so I half carried half dragged Ahsoka over to this side of the room. 

"I have both of your lightsaber's by the way, you might want to empty the water out of them. You too Ahsoka," I said passing them their lightsabers. 

Anakin placed Kol's lightsaber on the bed while his lightsaber floated into the air, Anakin was inspecting Kol's lightsaber for damage as his lightsaber easily dismantled itself and floating in the air in front of him. Ahsoka did the same with her main lightsaber but used hand movements, most Jedi use hand movements when they use the force and quite a few Jedi found it hard to use the force without hand movements. I could do a simple force push or pull without hand movements but it was quite weak. Anakin, on the other hand, seemed to have mastered that skill and could probably rival Master Yoda. Ahsoka's green crystal in the middle shone brightly and she began to drain the water slowly out some of the parts in her lightsaber with the force. Anakin drained the water quickly from all parts of his lightsaber and shaped the water into a ball, he spotted a cup on the bedside table and just by looking at the cup the water zoomed into it without a drop spilling. 

A screw fell out from the hovered dismantled lightsaber and Anakin threw it back into the field where the screw quickly found it's place again. He closed his lightsaber and the screws all quickly slotted back into place, I remembered the first time Anakin built his lightsaber. He was 12 which was young, usually, you build your lightsaber after you become a Padawan which is age 13 but Anakin became my apprentice at the age of 10 and because of his advanced abilities, Master Yoda thought he was ready to get one. Master Yoda was curious to see what Anakin's lightsaber colour would be since many Jedi Masters could sense Anakin's inner turmoil and fear. At first, it started off purple and then there was a flash of green before it turned a light blue, the same blue as my lightsaber and many other lightsabers. After his last one exploded Anakin's lightsaber was a dark midnight blue colour which didn't seem so different until you placed it against another lightsaber. Ahsoka's yellow/green shoto lightsaber was an interesting colour as well but no one really looked into the different shades and what they meant. I think they should since I think they all have different meanings but not many Jedi had different shades of green or blue so the kyber crystal Master doesn't think it's necessary. 

Kix came back into the room a while later and told Anakin and Ahsoka to try and walk around a little bit to get more blood flowing through their legs. Kix asked me to support them if they needed it and I agreed, he left the room and Ahsoka volunteered to go first.

She placed one arm around my shoulders and I supported her as she got up, she used one hand to hold onto the rail on the wall as she limped and shuffled forward.

"It's so weird how the first thing we learn how to do is walk once we're born but right now, using the force is easier. Most Jedi don't even show signs of force sensitivity until they're five but right now, using the force is easier than walking," Ahsoka commented. 

"My mother told me that apparently when I was born everything levitated off the ground for a few seconds. But I don't know if that's true," Anakin sighed.

"Knowing you it probably is," I replied.

"I didn't start using the force until I was 6 but Master Plo knew I was force sensitive when I was 5," Ahsoka said, "What about you Master Kenobi?"

"I believe I was brought to the Temple when I was 3 like most Younglings since I was on the list, I didn't start showing force powers until I was 5 I think," I recalled.

Ahsoka began slightly walking by herself but I stayed close in case she fell, she was still holding onto the rail but she was doing it less and less. 

"Who knew walking could be so difficult," Ahsoka muttered under her breath.

"If you keep walking around then the blood should start moving through your legs a bit more and you'll be walking without even having to think about it," 

I helped Ahsoka sit back down on the bed and helped Anakin to his feet. He was steadier on his feet but I assumed he was using the force to help him or something like that, Anakin grabbed onto the rail with his mechanical hand and he slowly limped forward with me supporting him. 

I remembered helping Anakin with his arm rehab, he could do the simple things with his new mechanical arm but it was his first time picking up a lightsaber since the incident. He couldn't really spin it which was kind of a problem but I was determined to work through it with him. He practised becoming left hand dominant as he got used to the mechanical hand, it took a while but he after a few weeks he was comfortable using his left hand for lightsaber duels. He started to try and use his right hand and there was some improvement since the first time but he still couldn't really spin his lightsaber. I suggested changing his lightsaber technique but he refused and was determined to learn how to use his mechanical hand. 

For the next few nights, I found him in the training room practising all the time. That's when he got his glove and when the most improvement happened, I tried to convince him he didn't need his glove and for him to sleep but like always, he didn't listen. All that training paid off and a few weeks later he passed all his Jedi Knight trials with no faults and that's how Anakin liked it. He didn't want people to degrade him just because he was missing an arm so he covered it up and no one knew.

Anakin began walking without my support and I reached out through our bond to see what he was thinking but that was covered as well. I sighed, just like his mechanical arm Anakin covered his emotions and thoughts from me as the years went on. Maybe one day in the future things will be different.

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