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Anakin's POV

That morning when we were walking down to the cruiser I got sense Ahsoka's fear and worry radiating off her. The 501st was preparing for the mission and loading supplies and ammo on board, Rex was talking with Fives and Ahsoka nervously looked around.

"Do I really have to do this Master? After all, it is your duty to protect me and you can't do that if I go on a solo mission," Ahsoka argued.

"Protecting you is apart of it but every Masters goal is to guide their Padawan until they learn how to guide themselves and others," I replied.

"But I can't do that!" 

I gestured her over to where the banister was next to the ramp that led down to the cruiser, she took a deep breath and tried to reel in her panic.

"Ahsoka, you know that you can handle this, your abilities are far beyond your age group and I know that you know that. So what's holding you back from accepting it now?" I asked as we both leant our elbows on the rail.

"I just- I don't know," she lied looking away.

I patiently waiting for her to continue and I could tell she was itching to say something but she was holding it back for some reason. 

"It's just- I'm your Padawan, everyone sees you as the Chosen One and the Hero with No Fear and everyone's expecting me to be amazing and excel at everything just like you did. Everything I do affects how people look at you and I-I don't want to fail you," she blurted out.

"Master Yoda once told me, we are what they grow beyond, do you know what that means?" I asked.

"Master Yoda told my class about this when I was young, he said it meant that the master teaches the student everything they know and they both grow together before the student has to go on to become a Jedi Knight, from there the student needs to learn how to grow beyond what they've been taught," 

"Exactly, you're around halfway through your training Ahsoka, I've taught you everything you need to know to get through your solo mission but if things go wrong on the mission then you'll have to go beyond what you've been taught," I replied, "When you left the Order you guided yourself to survive which proves you can do it, you're my Padawan because I know you can handle all the pressures that come along with it,"

"But you didn't choose me to be your Padawan, Obi-wan came up with the idea," she argued.

"Maybe, but I didn't have to take you on as a Padawan, I had an option to not accept you but I did. It's the will of the force that you're by my side,"

"But basically every Master chooses their own apprentice and I was kind of already picked for you, what if there's another Padawan out there that would've been a better apprentice,"

I sighed and placed my hand on Ahsoka's eyes before looking into her bright green eyes.

"Obi-wan didn't choose me to be his Padawan either. Qui-Gon Jinn was going to train me but his dying words to Obi-wan was to train me. Obi-wan wasn't ready for an apprentice and didn't want me to be his apprentice, literally anyone else would've been a better apprentice for Obi-wan but he still chose to train me. Yoda chose you to be my Padawan because the force guided him to make the decision,"

"Are you sure you want to send me on this mission?" Ahsoka asked.

"I've never been more certain on something than this," I replied straightening up and taking my hand off her shoulder.

"Thank you, Master, for everything," Ahsoka said bowing.

"You're welcome, my Padawan," I replied bowing back, "You better get going,"

She nodded and took a deep breath before walking down the ramp and into the Resolute. Rex came over to me and looked at Ahsoka who disappeared into the Resolute.

"Look after her for me," I told Rex.

"Of course, General," Rex replied smiling, "General Kenobi told me something along those same lines when the 501st was assigned to you,"

"I'd say you did a pretty good job, but you don't have to follow that command anymore," I replied, "Just look out for Ahsoka for me,"

"Yes, sir,"

Rex put on his helmet and walked down the ramp into the Resolute, I leant against the railing as the ramp folded back up and the doors to the Resolute closed. The engines fired up and seconds later the cruiser lifted up into the air and flew out of the docking port towards the sky.

"Are you worried about her?" Obi-wan asked standing next to me.

"A little bit, definitely not as much as you were about me going on a solo mission," I responded.

"Do I need to remind you that you were only 14 when you went on that solo mission," 

"But you'd be lying if you haven't been worried when I went on solo missions after I had been knighted," 

His mouth opened as he tried to think of something witty to reply but fortunately for him, my wrist comm beeped and I had to answer it.

"Skywalker, the Chancellor is requesting your presence to talk about your Padawan and her mission," Eeth Koth said through the comm.

"Alright thank you, I'm on my way," I replied. 

"I'll see you later then," Obi-wan said.


I took off running towards the senate building where the Chancellor's office was and knocked on the door frame before entering the room when the Chancellor looked up.

"Ah, Skywalker, thank you for coming," the Chancellor said standing up and walking over to me.

"Not a problem Chancellor," I replied.

"I heard that your Padawan, Ahsoka Tano was assigned to this mission at your suggestion,"

"Yes, I believe that she was the best option for this mission,"

"Oh yes, I'm not in any way doubting your teachings or her abilities but her age is quite concerning, for a Padawan to go on a solo mission at 17 is quite risky, I've heard that the main age for a Padawan to go on a mission is around 21," the Chancellor stated.

"I don't think that age matters, Ahsoka has the level and skill of most 23-year-olds and I'm confident she won't fail this mission,"

"Alright, just make sure you can be on standby in the unlikely case that something goes wrong," the Chancellor said.

I nodded and the Chancellor returned to his desk as I quickly left the room, my anger bubbling inside a little bit. If only the Chancellor could see how skillful Ahsoka was then maybe he'd trust her skills more.

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