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2 days later

Anakin's POV

The Council called a meeting to discuss the new Younglings, the Jedi have a lot of Younglings who are force sensitive but most of them get sent back to their families after going through a 'testing' phase. As the Jedi Council, it was up to us to decide who went on to do Youngling training and who was sent back. Images of the Youngling and their statistics appeared on a hologram and the Council would discuss before making a decision.

"Try and sense what Jedi Master they will turn out like, be in tune with the full force," Kol said in my head.

I sighed but decided that there was nothing better to do, as more holograms passed slowly I tried to sense what Jedi Master they were going to take after. The first few times I was wrong and Kol had to correct me but I began to get the hang of it when we reached the hundreds. 

Cala Brin

Cala Brin

Cala Brin

Ters Sendon

Cala Brin

Goran Jard

Goran Jard

Ters Sendon 

Cala Brin

Ters Sendon 

Ters Sendon

Rajivari, wait, Rajivari?

I looked at the hologram of a human girl who looked to be only 3 years of age.

"Am I sensing this right, is it Rajivari?" I asked Kol in my head.

"Yes, but I'm afraid her path is already clouded by the dark side, if she trains to be a Jedi then in the future she'll join the sith and kill quite a few Jedi," Kol replied.

"Caught your interest, this Youngling has, Young Skywalker, sense something, do you?" Master Yoda asked.

"I sense that her future is consumed by the dark side, she'll turn against the Jedi and towards the Sith," I replied.

"The future is always in motion though, this girls future could change," Windu interjecting.

"The future, always in motion it is, but, agree with Skywalker, I do, sent back to her family, she should be," Yoda responded.

Obi-wan who was sitting next to me and a few other Jedi Masters frowned, not sensing the dark side in the young child's future but the hologram had already changed to the next Youngling. 

I zoned out for the rest of it and occasionally put my opinion in when I felt something strong within the force whether it was bad or good. After that was over the Council began talking about something else and Kol began talking to me in my head.

"I should appear now and explain everything to the whole Jedi Council," Kol suggested.

"No way, you do know that most Jedi don't believe in Force Ghosts right? They'd probably think that you're some sort of sith trick and that'd cause panic and next thing you know all Jedi Masters will be freaking out. Just wait until I talk to Master Yoda by himself," I replied.

"Yes but I can convince those other Jedi that I'm a Force Ghost," 

"Trust me, they won't believe you, I'll talk to Master Yoda soon okay?" 

"Fine but if you don't do it soon then I'll appear in front of the Council,"

"Okay," I sighed.

Everyone in the room began to get to leave and I stood up and began walking towards the door when Yoda called me back.

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