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Obi-wan's POV

I frowned as I walked around the dark Jedi Temple, it was quite late at night but I wanted to check in on Ahsoka. When she came into the classroom I could tell she was nervous about something and during class, she wasn't paying attention and seemed to be growing more nervous. I couldn't find her in her Padawan dorm or the training room so that only left one more place left to check, Anakin's apartment. 

Anakin was rarely in his apartment, he was always training or out on missions so it was rare to find him in his apartment as well as Ahsoka who was almost always with Anakin. 

I knocked on his door and I heard quiet footsteps that I knew as Anakin's, he had mastered the ability to walk quietly in heavy Jedi shoes and I had grown used to his quiet footsteps. 

The door slid open and Anakin didn't seem surprised to see me.

"Is Ahsoka here?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said moving aside to let me in.

I walked into the dark apartment and into the main living room/kitchen area where a massive hologram was projected in the air of a base.

"What's this?" I asked looking at the map.

"I have to go on a solo mission to Florum to rescue a squadron of clones who are going to be sold off to the slave market, the slave market is paying a high price for them and the Chancellor doesn't want to pay that much," Ahsoka explained.

"A solo mission?" I asked stroking my beard.

"See Master? Master Kenobi doesn't think it's a good idea,"

"I never said that," I replied quickly, "I think this is a good solo mission for you,"

"That's what I said," Anakin added.

"But there's no way I can lead the 501st I'm telling you," 

"Don't downplay your abilities Ahsoka, you've lead the 501st before when Anakin was elsewhere and he'll just be one call away in the unlikely case that something goes wrong," I said.

Ahsoka groaned but didn't argue anymore. I studied the maps and came up with some plans on what to do while Ahsoka was practising the force skill shatterpoint. I was surprised that Anakin had already taught her it but then again, Ahsoka was a fast learner just like he was.

Anakin and I spent most of the night explained different tactics and plans to Ahsoka who was listening with rapt attention. Around 3 in the morning Ahsoka had fallen asleep on the couch so Anakin and I cleaned up his apartment and placed a blanket over her. I went into the guest room in Anakin's apartment and climbed into the bed after saying goodnight to him, I was surprised that Anakin didn't seem that nervous for Ahsoka's solo mission. Maybe tomorrow he'll feel more nervous but Anakin was protective of his Padawan and was always cautious when sending her to do a task on missions. 

Anakin's first solo mission happened by accident, he was more than ready to go on one but because of his age, I knew the Council wouldn't agree so I had been putting it off. Anakin had to go on a mission with another Jedi Master to try and get to Alderaan which was surrounded by Separatist forces, they had to get through the Separatist forces to Alderaan to lead the Senator to a secret Jedi base that could only be unlocked by using the force. 

The Jedi Master that was with Anakin was shot down and died leaving Anakin to command the Temple starfighters at age 14. Anakin managed to command a small squadron of temple starfighters through the Separatist forces and land on Alderaan, he landed on Alderaan and Separatist forces were coming down to land. Anakin had contacted the Council to ask if he should continue with the mission, the Council disagreed at first and wanted Anakin to wait for me to get there to help him but that's when the droids began shooting at him.

I remember sitting in the Council room watching Anakin through the hologram as he blocked each bullet and told the Senator to get down. Anakin managed to convince the Council that for the benefit of Senator Organa the best action was to go ahead with the mission. We agreed and that's when the hologram ended.

2 weeks later was when the Separatist forces were destroyed and Master Secura and I entered Alderaan, we went to the secret base where Senator Organa and Anakin were supposed to be only to find out the place had been bombed. Through the force, I could sense that he was alive and his force signature was coming from the forest nearby. 

We spent ages looking for them and eventually I spotted someone running through the trees and away from us, we chased after them only for Anakin to drop down from the trees and ignite his lightsaber. After that day Senator Organa was more fond of the Jedi Council and the Senate so when the war started he signed to align with the Republic in a heartbeat. When the Council agreed Anakin could continue the mission by himself I couldn't sleep for those two weeks and stayed up all night in constant worry for my Padawan. Even after he became a Jedi Knight and first started doing missions by himself I found myself unable to sleep, Anakin was always ahead for his age and thought quick on his feet and I knew he could handle himself but it took a while to get rid of my anxiety every time he went on a mission without me. I still have slight anxiety when it happens but it's a lot better than what it used to be. Maybe Anakin just trusts Ahsoka skills so much that he isn't as worried as I was. 

I sighed and stared at the ceiling in the guest room, Anakin's force presence radiated throughout his apartment. It was a strong sense of determination and power with a hint of uneasiness, the force was extremely strong within Anakin and even his apartment felt connected with the force. It was a familiar feeling and a comforting one but I didn't spend much time here since Anakin was always somewhere else.

I took a deep breath and sighed, I knew that Ahsoka would do just fine on her first solo mission. 

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