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1-month later - sorry for all the time skips

Anakin's POV

As Obi-wan always said, I was a fast learner. Kol had taught me multiple things within the space of 30 days. I learnt how to use the force in different ways, these techniques weren't unheard of but since the war started no one had time to extend their force abilities and learn how to do these things properly. I had learnt how to make the ground shake and use electricity as force judgement like I did when I fought Sidious. He taught me how to mix a force push and a ground shake, and how to control my force shield. At first, my force shield would appear whenever I was in danger or if I thought about it hard enough, Kol taught me how to enhance my force abilities, even more, than the standard force push and he got me to use two lightsabers. 

(A/N: If you want to see the force techniques that he learnt then watch the video above from 3:05 to 4:42)

I used my lightsaber and another spare one that was usually lying around the Temple for one of the Younglings to use every so often. As I learned over the past month, most Skywalkers in the old Republic used two lightsabers or a dual-ended one, I guess Kol wanted me to carry on the 'tradition'. 

I went down into the training room at midnight and like always, Kol was standing there in his force ghost presence. He smiled slightly when he saw me and then sighed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"I've been avoiding your questions for too long, the Force is calling me to tell you about the Old Republic and you're ancestors," he sighed 'sitting' down on a box.

I sat down on another box and waited patiently as he summoned the knowledge and courage to tell me everything. 

"As you know, I am the first Skywalker to become a Jedi. You've probably been told about the four Jedi Masters who started the Old Republic and made lightsabers and the force and everything like that," Kol began.

"Yeah, all Younglings learn about the first four Jedi Masters, Rajivari, Garon Jard, Cala Brin and Ters Sendon," 

"Yes, every Jedi takes on the skills from one of these Masters no matter what they're taught. All Jedi naturally take after one of them even if their Masters take after another one. Each Old Jedi Master took on 2 Padawans. I was a Padawan of Rajivari alongside Saki Palpatine. Once our training had finished and we had found more force-sensitive people we had the beginning of the Old Republic. We trained them all but my Master, Rajivari, was blinded with greed and he wanted to explore the force further, he found out about a darker use of the force and he was the first person to ever fall to what we now call, the dark side. He was the first sith," Kol continued.

"Did you say Palpatine? As in Darth Sidious' ancestor or something?" I asked.

"Yes, this was the start of it all, Rajivari trained Saki Palpatine to use the dark side and they created an army. I fought my Master and had to kill him, that was when I was elected to become the Grandmaster of the Old Republic. Saki hated me for killing our Master and she was blinded by hatred, from then on we were mortal enemies,"

"What happened to the other three Jedi Masters?" 

"Rajivari killed them to prove to them that the dark side of the force was stronger than the light side leaving me and their Padawans behind," Kol responded with a sigh, "As time went on I got married and had a child, a boy, while Saki had a boy as well. I never knew his name but Saki taught her child the ways of the dark side and her hatred for me and my son. Years went on and finally Saki and I met again and I killed her after she killed my wife. Her son and my son both hated each other and after Saki's son had killed me, my son sought revenge on him,"

"So how long did the Palpatine and Skywalker rivalry go on for?" I asked.

"Until the fall of the Old Republic, the skywalker and Palpatine line lasted for ages until the Old Republic and the sith fell. The last Skywalker of the Old Republic was Ravin Skywalker, he had a fake last name as his father and grandfather. For many generations the Skywalkers had to use fake last names to hopefully trick the Palpatine's into thinking that all the Skywalkers were gone, however, they always seemed to find out who they really were. That is one of the main reasons the name Skywalker never shows in the books or archives,"

"And what happened to Ravin? I mean he could've started a new Jedi Order as you did in the beginning, couldn't he?" 

"Ravin thought it would be best to keep the Skywalker line out of all the Jedi business since it was the rivalry between the Palpatine's and the Skywalker's that started off the whole sith verse Jedi. Ravin trained one more person, T'ra Saa and then went into hiding, he had a family on Jakku and from then on the Skywalker's completely forgot about their ancestry and the Skywalker line has ranged from pilots to pirates. Many Skywalkers have had high midi-chlorian counts but because we've lived on the outer rim for so long not many Jedi come to check out those planets for force-sensitive children," he sighed.

"You said that every Jedi naturally takes on the abilities and characteristics of one of the first four Jedi Masters because of the Force. What one does Master Yoda take after?" I asked curiously.

"Master Yoda takes after Garon Jard, he was a calm and very wise Jedi and he never used his lightsaber and didn't have one until the late years of his life. Qui-Gon Jinn also took after Garon Jard, most green lightsaber wielders take after Garon Jard,"

"So my Padawan, Ahsoka Tano takes after him?" 

"No, I said most green lightsaber wielders do, not all. Your Padawan takes after Cala Brin, Cala Brin was a calming woman and had a great sense of peace but she used her lightsaber and her brains to get her out of many situations. Your Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Count Dooku also take after her, most Jedi take after her for some reason," Kol explained, "The other Jedi Master is Ters Sendon, he was protective and guarded the Temple but he knew when to let go, Plo Koon and Eeth Koth are some of the people who take after him but there are very few Jedi now who take after him but with the new Padawans and Younglings I can tell that more of the young ones will take after Ters Sendon, most of the Skywalkers took after him,"

I nodded taking in all this information and took a deep breath, I already knew the answer but I needed to hear it from Kol just to confirm.

"And who do I take after?" I asked.

"Well, like I said the most common is Cala Brin, second is Ters Sendon, third is Garon Jard and lastly there's Rajivari. Jedi that take after Rajivari are rare and I only know of two people in the Jedi Order right now who take after him, and that's you and Mace Windu. As I said Rajivari had turned to the dark side and almost all dark side force users take after him so it's rare that a Jedi will take after him, I must say when I watched you train I was surprised when you began to take after Rajivari," Kol explained.

I nodded and sighed again. I had millions of questions about the Old Republic but I didn't want to blurt too many out at once.

"How did this Republic rise then? You mentioned that Ravin Skywalker trained Tr' a Saa but there had to be other Padawans, right?" I questioned.

"Yes, there were, Ravin, trained Tr' a Saa, Mirax Ardan trained Fay, Chara Valaian trained a person called Zang and Jenks Solarhunter trained Axes Sera. Tr' a Saa trained N'Kaka Del Gormo who was Yoda's Master and Zang trained Master Tera Sinube," 

"That's crazy to even think about,"

"It is and I'm going to have to tell the new Council all about it. And you're going to help me,"

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