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1 year later

Anakin's POV

Things ended up working out.

After the twins were born Obi-wan came in to see them and told me he had spoken to the Council. They had talked about it over that week and came to the agreement to let me go back to the Order, surprisingly Yoda and Windu didn't seem to mind too much that I had broken the Jedi code and they didn't mind that I had two children, I think that was because even at the young age they were, they were showing promising signs of becoming powerful Jedi.

Luke and Leia. They both had midi-chlorian counts of 14,500 and when you added them together is equalled my midi-chlorian count which was pretty cool.

Coruscant had been rebuilt and most of the planets had been restored back to normal but there were a few planets that had been corrupted by the remaining Separatists but the Jedi Knights and a few Jedi masters were dealing with those. Occasionally Obi-wan, Ahsoka and I would be sent on a mission for a few days to deal with a few minor things. Things hadn't been better.

The sun was setting as we walked towards the Jedi Temple from the hangar, I had taught Ahsoka a few more tricks with flying while Obi-wan watched just in case something happened.

As we were walking back towards the temple I spotted a blue and white glow coming from behind a ship. It caught the corner of my eye and I frowned and paused for a moment, was I just seeing things?
"Is everything alright Master?" Ahsoka asked.
I paused and stared at the spot for a few more seconds but it didn't reappear. Was it what I thought it was?
"Yeah, everything's fine," I replied as we continued walking into the temple.
Obi-wan gave me an odd look and raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything more. We got into the elevator and as we did I felt the force calling out to me. This hadn't happened since the final battle had ended, it seemed that the force didn't have any urgency for me to be doing something or going somewhere. It was calling to me from above, high above, on the roof of the Temple probably.
"I'll see you tomorrow Masters, thank you," Ahsoka said as she smiled and walked out of the elevator.
"Yep see you tomorrow, bye," Obi-wan and I called.
We continued to go up until we stopped on Obi-wan's floor and I clicked the button to go up to the roof just as he got out.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Just need to go check something out," I replied trying not to sound suspicious.
He raised an eyebrow again and held the lift door open as he waited for me to elaborate. Ever since I had 'died', Obi-wan was way to protective for my liking and if he didn't see me then he'd call me multiple times a day.
"The force is just calling me up there, I'm gonna be fine. Okay?" I reassured him.
He looked sceptical but I closed the elevator doors and it moved upwards once more until it came to the top floor where the Chancellors office was. I got shivers remembering all the stuff that had happened in there. I walked past the door and the guards that stood outside stared at me as I went up the stairs and up the trapdoor which lead to the roof.
There was a light breeze blowing around me and sitting on the roof was Kol Skywalker. I closed the trapdoor and sat down next to him as we looked out at the setting sun. The sky was painted with different shades of reds, yellows and oranges and even a tiny bit of purple.
"Looks like it all worked out in the end," Kol sighed.
"Yeah, I guess it did."
Kol looked at me and smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I came here to say goodbye," he said finally.
"What, goodbye? What's happening?" I asked.
"The force only allowed me to visit you because it wanted me to. Now that the war is over and balance has been brought to the force, you no longer need any guidance," he explained.
"But what if something else happens or appears and I need you then? What am I supposed to do?"
"Anakin, I have already taught you everything you need to know. You can guide yourself and you'll always have Obi-wan and other people around you to help. Don't worry, just know that I'll still be watching over you alongside Qui-Gon and your mother," he tried to reassure.
"What if an even bigger threat comes up? I know that there's still more I can learn from you," I tried to reason.
"I am merely a shadow of your past Anakin, you don't need to know everything I know. You need to come up with new ways of handling things and that's what you'll pass down to Luke and Leia. Trust me, I would love to stay as a force ghost and talk to you like this. But it's the will of the force, no one can change it. Not even you."
I sighed and nodded, I knew he was right. There was nothing I could do about it.
"But, I'll see you again someday. When you're older that's for sure," he sighed.
"I still wish you could stay as a force ghost," I complained.
"Just focus on the future, your future. I'm just your past, just a shadow, we all disappear as time moves on."
There was another gust of wind and then when I looked beside me, he was gone.
I sighed and nodded, he was right. I had to focus on the future, my future. Which were my kids. I looked out into the sunset and smiled as the colours slowly started to fade in the sky.
It was time to go home.

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