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Anakin's POV

There was a large rock that shot up into the black inky sky that was dotted with tiny stars. We continued to walk towards it and as we got closer I saw that it was made out of the sharp black rock that covered the ground, the crystals were bigger as we got closer. The force swirled strongly around the area and once we were right up next to the massive jagged rock I saw that the crystals were about the same size as lightsaber crystals. Qui-Gon raised his hand and closed his eyes and used the force to open and crack the door in the rock. It swung open and as we walked in I frowned. This place seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Do you recognise this place?" Qui-Gon asked searching my face for any sign.
"It feels and looks familiar but- I don't know why," I replied looking around the cave that we were in.
"It's the Ilum caves, this is the afterlife version of that. Without the ice and snow of course," he explained.
As I looked around I couldn't believe that I didn't notice it, now looking at it I couldn't believe I didn't notice it. 

"How is this here?" I asked.

"We create the crystals and we place them in the spots according to what the force tells us to do. Each and every person who is destined to have a lightsaber has a person here that made their crystal, it can have multiple people make it but there is always one main person that will place it," Qui-Gon explained, "I made your first lightsaber crystal that you used for most of your life and Cala Brin, Ters Sendon, Garon Jard and a few other Jedi made the crystal you have in your lightsaber right now."

I reached down on my belt for my lightsaber and sighed once I remembered that I didn't have it. How come I have Kol's lightsaber but not mine? 

"There are two crystals that the force is calling you to make, do you feel it?" he asked.

I paused and reached out into the force, searching for the answer. I found two small but bright and powerful beings in the force. They seemed familiar but also different, it was like when I was trying to figure out where we were when we first walked in here.

I pushed further with the force and that's when I saw Padme, she rubbed her hand over her pregnant stomach before the vision faded away. 

"Twins," I mumbled.

"I'm sure you would've liked to find out another way, but yes. She's having twins, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they're both going to be powerful in the force. The force is calling you, listen to it. Let it guide you."

I sat down cross legged on the ground while Qui-Gon wandered around the caves. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the force surround me. I followed the pull and let my mind go blank as I listened to what it was telling me to do whether it was to force pull or push or spin around the object that was floating in front of me. 

I paused for a moment when there was no more pull in the force. Nothing was calling me, I gently probed but couldn't find anything. I opened my eyes and saw two lightsaber crystals in front of me with bits of chipped and broken bits of crystal around it. I put my hand out and the two crystals slowly floated into the palm of my hand.

With a flash I saw two teenagers standing in the training rooms on Coruscant, I couldn't see their faces or hair but I made out a girl and a boy giving some friendly teasing banter as they sparred with lightsabers, even for their age they were probably at the standard of a new Jedi Knight. The boy held a bright green lightsaber and was dealing strong but slow blows while the girl wielded a bright blue lightsaber and her movements were more quick and involved more twisting and moving of her body and lightsaber. Both, however, were evenly matched.

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