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(sorry this chapter seems really rushed and abrupt, I was in a rush)

Rex's POV

General Shaak Ti had told us that the Council decided to change the number from 100 to 200 clones to 200 to 300 in both of our battalions. Cody and I spent all of yesterday assigning each squadron to the 501st or the 212th or dismissing some squadrons altogether since they didn't seem to fit our standards. The 501st had 300 clones including the old troopers while the 212th only had 250 since Cody was very precise with picking the squadrons that joined the 212th. I gave them their blue and white armour while Cody passed out his yellow and white armour, the troopers seemed excited that they were joining their battalions but it seemed like they didn't really know what it was like on the front lines all the time. 

Today we were supposed to be doing group training since all the old and new troopers of the 501st were here but I received an urgent transmission from General Skywalker telling us to get ready for battle since the sith lords and some Seppies were coming to Kamino. 

Republic cruisers were already blockading Kamino and some of the 501st and 212th would be in the air while the rest of us were going to be defending the base in case some of the Separatists got through. General Skywalker didn't say why they were attacking or what the Separatists wanted but I assumed it was what they always wanted, Jango Fett's DNA. Separatists have tried to take it in the past to stop the Kaminoians from making any more clones but the Jedi have always found out about their plot before it could happen. 

Cody and I briefed our battalions and assigned them all positions and entrances to guard and I contacted General Skywalker to tell them we were all in position.

"We're all in position General," I told him through the transmission.

"Good job Rex, General Kenobi and Commander Tano will be down there shortly, I've been assigned to stay in the air so your orders will be coming from General Kenobi," he replied.


"May the force be with you," he said.

"Thank you General, you too," I replied.

He ended the transmission and I contacted the other members of the 501st to tell them the same thing. Some of the new clones near me sighed and whispered to each other but didn't say anything else. I could tell they were slightly disappointed that General Skywalker wouldn't be leading us since his commanding skills were well known and a part of me agreed with them, I trusted General Kenobi knowing that General Skywalker was his former apprentice but my anxiety always rose slightly when the General wasn't leading the 501st. At least Commander Tano would be down here as well and she was a lot like her Master and it was kind of funny if you really thought about it.

"Rex, what's happening with the 501st?" General Kenobi asked through the comms.

"I've positioned them all at different entrances and some of them are guarding the main office and lab where the DNA is kept since that might be what they're after," I responded.

"Alright, I'll position my men within the building," he replied.

I gripped my gun tighter as I looked up at the sky, at the republic fighters and the Separatist ships just visible through the rain. Red and blue bolts shot across the sky and every so often a Separatist or Republic fighter or ship would crash down into the waves of Kamino and disappear down into the depths. 

Separatists ships landed on the platforms and hundreds of droids came out and started shooting. General Kenobi and Commander Tano appeared and ignited their lightsabers blocking and deflecting the bolts back towards the droids.

"I managed to shoot down Ventress but Darth Atrius managed to get through, I'm afraid he's coming now," General Skywalker announced through the comms to me and General Kenobi.

"We can handle it Anakin, stay in the air," General Kenobi responded.

I could tell General Skywalker wanted to argue and go against his orders like he always did, but I heard him sigh and agree. I shot down clanker after clanker but they just seemed to keep coming. 

I saw another fighter land on one of the platforms and a tall figure dressed in black stepped out of the ship and splashed down onto the platform. A sense of foreboding washed over me and I shivered but diverted my attention back to shooting down the droids, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw General Kenobi and Commander Tano engage the sith lord. The mysterious figure ignited two blood-red blades as the green and blue blades of the Jedi swung towards him, he moved what seemed almost effortlessly and used the force a lot. I've seen the Generals fight multiple sith lords and it always seemed like a well-matched fight but this was different, it almost looked like the sith lord was toying with the two Jedi and was just waiting for one of them to give up. 

I shot down more droids and we were steadily making our way through them and the new clones in the 501st began to move forward. 

"Charge them now!" I shouted.

The 501st charged forwards and began shooting and taking down the droids in any way possible, injured men lay on the ground along with droid parts and guns. General Kenobi, Commander Tano and the sith lord had disappeared, the battle had probably moved indoors where the 212th would be. 

"Rex!" General Skywalker shouted through the comms.

"Yes General?" I replied quickly.

"My hyperdrive has been hit, I'm going into hyperspace but I don't know where. My comms are about to go out but I-"

He was cut off as he went into hyperspace and I tried to reach him again with no success, I sighed in frustration and shot down a few more droids. I'm sure the Jedi could find him once this battle was over, either they'd find him or the General would find a way back like he always did.


So sorry for the abrupt feeling to this chapter but I wrote this chapter in the car on my phone but I also realised I left out a major part of this story. Padme is pregnant in this story she's around 8 and a half months along so yeah. These next few chapters might seem really rushed and abrupt and that's because I'm writing these next few in the car so I'm really sorry about it.

I hope you guys are enjoying this story and feel free to comment your opinion on it, the support helps a lot and gives me motivation so thank you for all the wonderful comments!

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