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Anakin's POV

We spent the day walking along the rubble of all the buildings that had been destroyed and looked for the dead or some survivors. It was disturbing finding a dead body or finding someone that was barely clinging to life under the mountain of rubble, or you'd come across a distraught mother holding her dead child, sometimes it was the other way around.

I spotted a hand poking out from under some rubble and I used the force to lift the concrete off them only so see that the person was dead and bleeding from their chest and head. Another Jedi Knight came over with a stretcher and we said nothing to each other as we lifted the body onto the stretcher and began to carefully walk back to the Jedi Temple where hundreds of dead and injured laid. 

I had been in contact with Padme and told her I was okay through the force. She was on Naboo with the Padawans and Younglings and the other children who were put on board to escape. It turns out there had been multiple cruisers sent to all the planets we were aligned with but the forces from Kamino were sent to deal with them. Naboo was safe but we didn't know the status of the other planets.

We walked into the ruined Jedi Temple and placed the stretcher down at the end of one of the rows. A healer came over and gave a sincere look before starting to find out who this person was so they could record it down.

I locked eyes with the Jedi Knight who had helped carry the stretcher back and we both nodded at each other and he walked out to go look for more dead or survivors. 

I walked past the injured who were all being treated by healers, I saw mothers and fathers who were alone and grieving the loss of loved ones and I saw children by themselves, crying as they clung onto sheets or a toy.

There was a sudden shift in the force and through Padme's force connection I felt her panic.

"Is everything okay Padme? What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked through the force bond.

"Anakin, my water just broke. The babies coming," she replied, "Can you make it here?"

"I'll need to sort a few things out with the council first, I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm sorry I can't come sooner," I apologised.

"No, it's fine. I know the battle was a lot, take your time. We'll be here when you come in, I love you, Ani," she said.

"Do you have someone with you?"

"Yes, I'm on my way to the med bay right now. I have to go," she responded.

"I love you, I'll see you soon."

I snapped out of the force connection and I couldn't help the fear and anxiety that had risen in my chest. I looked around and then began to make my way to the front door.

"Are you alright Master?" Ahsoka asked as she suddenly appeared next to me.

We walked outside where all the wreckage was. Coruscant was silent except for people shifting over all the rubble. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining down on us and there was a soft breeze blowing around, it kind of felt like Naboo. Naboo. Padme was having our children on Naboo right now. 

"I need to talk to you about something," I said finally once we were away from everyone.

"Okay, what's wrong?" she asked as we walked over the rubble.

"It's about Senator Amidala."

"Is she alright? Please don't tell me she was injured-"

"No it's not that. She's in labour right now on Naboo," I began, I had no idea how to tell her.

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