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Anakin's POV

I had crash-landed on Stewjon a week ago and thankfully found Zara and her rebellion that had grown. Jedi that had left the Order were in the rebellion and they all still had their lightsabers, there must've been at least 1,000 Jedi in there and they all looked to be over 27. I tried to go back to Courscant but they only had a massive old Republic cruiser that they found after it had crash-landed into Stewjon. They had repaired it ages ago and painted it so it wasn't the Republic colours but it was unmistakably the same shape and structure. That was the only ship they had and apparently it didn't go anywhere without them and it was the only ship that could make it through hyperspace since most of the ships that were for sale in this area were broken and would've last through hyperspace. 

Just after a week of being on Stewjon, I sensed a major disturbance within the force, the dark side seemed to cloud everything and everyone. I couldn't sense Obi-wan's or Ahsoka's presence through the force and it felt like the light had been wiped out from the universe. 

I looked to Zara and the other Jedi that had left the Order and I knew they had felt it too, we looked at the Coruscant reports and saw that it was under attack.

"Zara, please, I have to go help them. I can't leave the Jedi Order to die. Darth Atrius is probably there and I know he'll wipe all the Jedi and Clones," I pleaded.

Zara looked straight at me and then back at her rebellion before sighing.

"Alright, but we're coming with you," she said.


"We all left the Order but we can never forget our home. The Force is telling us that this is the right thing to do. When Zara first found us all the Force told us to go with her because one day we'll have to help restore balance," another Jedi shouted.

"Plus, it'd be an honour to fight alongside the Chosen One and the Son of the Force," Zara added.

I looked at all the Jedi and saw how willing they were to fight for the Jedi Order again. 

"It's your call," Zara said.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" I asked.

We all ran out to where the cruiser was parked on the open grass fields, we all began climbing up the ladder into the cruiser while a few did checks on the outside. I was waiting for everyone to get on board but while I was waiting I noticed four people rushing toward us, they looked familiar. 

As they got closer I recognized them as Obi-wan's family, his parents and brother and sister. They all looked worried and flushed from running over here. They spotted me and came over quickly.

"Are you all okay?" I asked immediately.

"Yes we're fine, Zara contacted Owen and told him everything. We heard about the attack on Coruscant and we knew that you were here on Stewjon so we had to come," Obi-wan's father explained quickly.

"Please look out for Obi-wan for us," his sister added.

"You two are more like brothers than Obi-wan and I and I know from the news that you've always been there for him and he's always been there for you. Tell him to come visit after the battle is over," Owen said.

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