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Anakin's POV

The fire and burning, crumbling buildings provided light for us as we kept fighting the droids. It felt like as soon as we destroyed one line of droids ten more lines would appear behind them, I fought alongside Obi-wan and Ahsoka like usual and I could tell everyone was getting tired. The dark side seemed to be growing stronger and death hung heavy in the air as dead clones and Jedi laid in the ground all around us. 

Through all the screaming, guns, bombing and fire I heard two lightsabers clashing against each other and out of the corner of my eye I could see a red and purple blade locked in combat. I felt the Force calling me towards there so I left the front lines and ignored Obi-wan who was calling out my name and telling me to come back. 

I ran towards Mace and Darth Atrius and was there to witness Mace's lightsaber being cut in half and falling out of his hand. Atrius force pushed Mace against the wall and spun one of his lightsabers around grinning, I sprinted towards them but Atrius' blade was already coming down.

I threw my lightsaber towards them and it spun quickly through the air blocking the blow, I ran forward and jumped, kicking Atrius in the chest and making a long cut up one side of his face. I managed to block his lightsaber as he wildly tried to hit me.

He went flying back from my kick and I did a forward roll and immediately brought my lightsaber in front of me in case he attacked. I pulled Kol's lightsaber towards me and ignited that one as well. I risked a glance behind me and saw that Mace was okay, he got to his feet and I stood up from my crouched position and faced Atrius who was laughing as he stood up.

"Finally, a challenge. I've been looking forward to this," Atrius hissed as he ignited his two blood coloured lightsabers.

I passed Windu my lightsaber while I held Kol's lightsaber tightly in my hand. Atrius snarled and lunged forward, Mace and I quickly moved our lightsabers to block his blow and we were forced to take the defensive position as Atrius pushed us back.

I could tell Mace was struggling and I pushed for the offensive a few times to make sure that Atrius was keeping most of his attention on me and not Mace. 

"I expected better from you Skywalker," Atrius grunted.

"You haven't seen anything yet," I hissed.

We were at the broken entrance to the Jedi Temple and that's when Atrius kicked my lightsaber out of Mace's hand and sent force lightning towards him sending him flying away. Through the force, I could tell he was still alive but injured. I pulled my lightsaber towards me and ignited it, I got the offensive and pushed Atrius back into the broken and crumbling Jedi Temple. 

Our lightsabers made loud noises as they clashed together and we were both trying to kill the other. He locked out lightsabers in a hold and we were both using the force to push our lightsabers against the other.

"My father was right about you. You could've been great with the dark side of the Force, you need a teacher to show you your full potential!" Atrius shouted.

"I already have a teacher," I replied before using electricity to send him flying back.

I spun both of my lightsabers around in my hands while walking towards Atrius who got up off the ground and ignited his lightsabers.

"This is how it ends, the last Palpatine against the last Skywalker. You're just a slave who came from nothing! By the time our duel has finished, you'll be dead, and the Empire will rise again. The whole universe shall know that I killed the Chosen One, the saviour and the Son of the Force,"

"I may die but I'm making sure you're coming down with me," I snapped.

"We'll see."

Our blades crashed together again and we were both using the force in ways that I'm sure no Jedi or Sith has ever heard of. We were both using shields and force pushes, mine had a blue transparent tinge to everything while he's had a red one. 

We were evenly matched and the fight lasted all night, each one of us getting the upper hand and almost killing the other multiple times. His hatred fueled him and as the fight drew on his hatred and anger only grew giving him strength while I was struggling to keep fighting with nothing to keep me going except my determination to bring balance to the force.

Thousands of generations of Sith and Jedi, Palpatine and Skywalker's, were holding their breath as we fought and I could feel it through the force in a weird way. Millions of Jedi were now watching the long-awaited Chosen One, the one that was supposed to finally bring balance to the Force and restore peace and end the Palpatine line until it was just the Skywalker's, just like it had been in the beginning with Saki and Kol Skywalker. 

We both tried to force push each other at the same time but both ended up flying backwards and landing on the hard ground of the Jedi Temple. I stumbled to my feet and ignited both of my lightsabers again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath calling to the force to be with me for this fight.

I opened my eyes and faced Darth Atrius whose Sith yellow eyes were glaring at me.

"Nothing can save you now Skywalker," he snarled.

"I don't need anything to save me, this is all ending now," I snapped.

I lunged forward calling on the force, I let it flow through me and control every movement and action. It felt like my hands and arms were moving without having to even think about it, the dark blue light shone onto my face from my blade in the shadows as the red from his blade shone onto Atrius' face. 

Everything seemed to go in slow motion after that, blocking his hits and spinning around and knocking his arm up into the air like Darth Maul had done to Qui-Gonn all those years ago. I blocked his other blade and my lightsaber plunged into his chest.

Time seemed to speed back up and the realisation of what had just happened hit both of us, Atrius looked down at the dark blue lightsaber in his chest and then fell back onto the ground with his eyes closed. His life force drained away quickly and I picked up both of his lightsabers and placed them on my belt next to Kol's lightsaber while I held my own.

I clutched my stomach with one arm and leant heavily against some fallen I plaster from the Temple. I looked down at my stomach and saw a lightsaber stab wound that I hadn't seemed to notice in the heat of the moment just then. My breath hitched and I pressed down on the wound with my right hand as I gripped my lightsaber tightly in my hand, I stumbled and my legs felt weak and shaky and they threatened to give out from under me. My breathing got faster and I closed my eyes as the pain got worse, I wasn't afraid to die knowing that balance had finally been brought to the force...


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