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Anakin's POV

We had left the ship and the snowstorm had finally let up a little bit. It was still freezing though and Ahsoka's ankle hadn't gotten any better despite the pain reliever she took before we left the remains of our ship. I sensed something dark within the force, not the sith or the dark side but danger near us but I couldn't pinpoint what it was or where it was. 

"Master there's something underneath us," Ahsoka pointed out.

I looked down and she was right, we were walking on ice and there was some sort of large creature in the freezing cold water below.

"We better move quickly and get off the ice," I said.

Not far away from us was a Tauntaun and in a flash, the ice broke and a large slimy green tentacle rose out from the depths and snatched the creature before slamming it's tentacle back down breaking even more ice. There was a loud screech from the creature and Ahsoka's eyes widened.

"It sounds hungry," she stated.

"Let's move!" I shouted.

We began jogging on the ice as Ahsoka couldn't really run or sprint and that's when we saw a tentacle coming towards us from the ice. I force pushed Ahsoka forward and dove out of the way as the tentacle broke the ice and flew up into the air, I rolled away and pushed myself up off the ground igniting my lightsaber.

"Go Ahsoka!" I shouted.

Ahsoka got to her feet and sprinted across the ice, limping slightly as her ankle must've been killing her. A tentacle shot towards me and I moved out of the way and sliced it in half, the creature screamed and the ice cracked even more as the water frothed and splashed around. I turned around and began running across the slippery ice changing direction every so often when I saw a tentacle underneath me in the ice. I saw Ahsoka was on the edge of the ice and had made it to snow, I just had to make it to where she was. 

A tentacle came shooting up out of the water next to me and I ignited my lightsaber and spun around ready to strike it but another tentacle came up behind me and quickly wrapped around my stomach and ribs, lifting me high into the air. I sliced the tentacle holding me without really thinking, I didn't realise how high I was until I began falling. I hit the ice at full speed and a sharp stabbing pain shot through the back of my head and my palm and wrist began stinging as it hit the ice-cold water. I don't think I've ever experienced water as cold as this, all my senses were going crazy and it felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of icicles. 

I tried to kick my way to the surface but the tentacle wrapped around my stomach again and dragged me down to the bottom, my lightsaber was pulled from my grip and was slowly floating through the water. My pressure was slowly building in my head and chest but the surface looked so far away and the tentacle seemed to be tightening around my stomach, I reached out with the force and called my lightsaber into my hand but before I could ignite it I realised the tentacle was going straight into the creature's mouth. I desperately ignited my lightsaber and swung it at the mouth of the creature just as it was closing, one of its teeth had already dug into my wrist but as soon as my lightsaber hit it the creature shrieked and let go of me. 

My lungs were bursting and desperate for air and my head was pounding, I quickly began kicking towards the surface and the blurry light that was getting closer. Black spots were beginning to cloud my vision but I was determined not to let any air in when I was close to getting out, I reached out and grabbed onto the edge of the ice before pulling myself out. I didn't have any time to take a breather though, I saw the tentacles coming towards me again and I forced myself to my feet and I broke out in a sprint across the ice to where Ahsoka was. I ignited my lightsaber and threw it at the tentacle sliced it in half, my lightsaber turned off and I saw it splash back into the water. I internally cursed but ignited Kol's lightsaber that I still had, thankfully, no more tentacles came after me as I reached the edge. 

"We should keep moving a bit further," Ahsoka suggested.

I agreed and we walked a fair way away from the lake before I collapsed onto the snow, exhausted and freezing. 

"Are you alright Master?" 

"I'll b-be f-fine," I replied.

My forearm, wrist and hand were drenched in blood and it stung like hell but I couldn't even see where the blood was coming from. Ahsoka applied pressure using my sleeve and I winced but didn't pull away and looked up at the sky trying to fight off the black spots that threatened to take over my vision. 


I locked eyes with the frightened torguta who just seemed relieved that I was awake.

"We b-better get moving again, I t-think the base is this w-way," I said slowly standing up.

"Master I don't think you should be w-walking or doing anything right now," Ahsoka argued.

"If we s-stay out here any l-longer then we'll f-freeze," 

"And if we move you might not make it back to the base!" 

"I'll be f-fine, come on," I lied.

Ahsoka seemed hesitant but followed me as I began walking, I kept pressure on my arm as best as I could but it kept bleeding and the back of my head was throbbing.

"What's that galloping noise?" Ahsoka asked looking around.

I looked behind us and through the snow, I could see a herd of Tauntaun's charging towards us with no intention of stopping.

"Run, run now!" I shouted.

We both broke out into a run through the snow as the Tauntaun's came sprinting towards us, I saw Ahsoka slip and I reached out my arm to grab her but missed. The Tauntaun herd barreled into me and kicked me along the snow before I fell down the same crevice that Ahsoka had. I reached my arm out to try and grab onto anything but there was nothing there except the layers of snow below me. 

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