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Anakin's POV

I dropped the lightsaber back into the pedestal and backed away panting, I was not expecting that to happen.

"I suppose you have many questions," said a voice.

I spun around pulling my ignited lightsaber into my hand, I relaxed slightly when I realised it was just Kol in his ghost form. 

"You didn't tell me Saki was your sister, you told me that she was just Rajivari's other Padawan," I blurted out.

"Yes, me and the four other Jedi left after Rajivari had slaughtered the others, decided not to mention Saki as my twin sister. Since she had been consumed and turned into Saki Palpatine when she married, I thought by mentioning that she was my sister would make things too confusing," Kol explained. 

"Is the other lightsaber still out there, the one that Saki had?" I asked.

"Yes, Darth Actus is in possession of it, the blade has been red ever since Saki changed it after she fell to the dark side and she passed it down through the Palpatine line just as I passed mine down through the Skywalker line," 

I nodded and hesitantly picked up the lightsaber again, thankfully no more visions appeared as I examined the hilt. It had many scratches on it but didn't seem broken in any places, the grip was worn a little bit from the thousands of years since it's creation. 

"It's yours now," Kol sighed, "As Ravin said, someone will come and use the blade to meet with its twin," 

"What? There's no way I can use this, it's thousands of years old and I'll probably break it in battle, it's priceless," I argued.

"Every Skywalker has used this blade and now, it falls to you, the last Skywalker, as the other blade falls to the last Palpatine and in the end, only one of you will survive,"

I looked down at the hilt and pressed the button ignited the bright blue blade. The contrast between my dark blue blade and the bright blue one was obvious but a surge of power ran through me.

"When you carry this blade, you carry every Skywalker's power with you as well," 

"I'll try not to let you down," I sighed.

"I know you won't, use it well,"

Kol's ghost disappeared and I turned off both blades and placed them on my hilt. I walked back out to where Mace, Obi-wan and Yoda were waiting and thankfully, they didn't ask any questions. 

"Skywalker, caution you must take from now on, wary of the people around you," Yoda warned before we parted ways.

"I know Master," I replied.

We went separate ways once we reached the upper floors but Obi-wan kept badgering me about actually sleeping for once and forced me to promise him that I would sleep tonight. Despite how much I didn't want to sleep I knew that Obi-wan would lecture me for a week if I didn't sleep, I placed my lightsaber under my pillow like all Jedi did and restlessly tried to sleep and finally succeeding hours later.

I woke up late the next day and groaned as I dragged myself out of bed. I took a shower and changed into a new pair of Jedi Robes leaving my cloak off. I checked the time and sighed as I realised Ahsoka would be in her classes, I placed my two lightsabers on my belt and left my apartment. 

I walked down to the droid training rooms and found an empty one, I closed the door and pressed the button to start it. We had some clones that would reprogram the droids to use for training, you had to be over 16 to use these rooms but I remember Obi-wan sneaking me into one when I was 13. 

I set the difficulty to hard and waited for the droids to appear, I grabbed the lightsabers of my hilt and ignited them. My original lightsaber was a dark blue whereas Kol's lightsaber was a bright vibrant arctic blue. 

The droids appeared and the course started, I easily deflected the bolts with the lightsabers and tried different techniques to destroy the droids. I used some of the force techniques that Kol had taught me and quickly finished the round. I pressed the button again and again until the door opened just as I finished another round.

"Have you been in here all day?" Obi-wan asked.

"I've only been in here for a few hours," I replied spinning my lightsabers around. 

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll stop now," I groaned, "I thought you were supposed to be teaching classes all day?"

"One of them was cancelled. Oh, by the way, what's Ahsoka's midi-chlorian count?" he asked.

"14,500, why do you ask?" 

"Some Padawans were talking about their midi-chlorian counts and Ahsoka refused to share hers when they asked. I thought there might be a reason she didn't share it," 

"I've talked to her about it years ago, she doesn't like being ahead of the class because everyone thinks she's 'showing off' and she doesn't want to move up a year because she thinks she won't fit in there either. So whenever it comes to talking about abilities and midi-chlorian counts she doesn't really like talking about it," I explained pushing the droid parts down a chute, "I tried to tell her that it doesn't matter but she's kind of stubborn about it,"

"I wonder where she learned that from," 

I glared at Obi-wan and he chuckled and shook his head.

"You two don't realise how alike you've become. It blows my mind when I remember that you two didn't get along, you really didn't want to take her on as your Padawan," Obi-wan chuckled.

"I remember when you didn't think I would pass the tests, we didn't even get along at the start because I was too 'old'," I replied.

"Ah, yes, not the best times," 

We both walked out of the room and through the hallways of the Jedi Temple when we heard a loud shrieking roar. The ground trembled and shook Obi-wan and I immediately went over to the window to see what was going on.

"That's not good," I muttered.

"What in the blazes is it doing here!" Obi-wan exclaimed.

"Skywalker, Obi-wan sound the alarm, the Zilo Beast is here again!" Eeth Koth shouted.

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