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Anakin's POV

As soon as I entered the new chancellor's office I shivered, the place looked exactly the same which brought back memories of when I fought Darth Sidious and how he almost lured me to the dark side. Master Windu was already seated on the other side of the desk from the new Chancellor who I hadn't met before. I sat down in the chair next to Master Windu and the new chancellor smiled at me and nodded his head slightly in greeting.

"I don't believe we've met before Master Jedi, I am Finis Valorum," he greeted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Chancellor," I replied bowing my head slightly.

"I'm distressed to report that the clone troopers on Florum have been taken by pirates, the pirates plan to sell them to the slave market and that's something we cannot afford. I have tried to offer to pay them to get that clone squadron back but the slave market is bargaining for an incredible amount," he explained as a hologram appeared.

"Hmm, we'll have to find a Jedi small enough to climb through those vents to get inside to release the main door for a stealth squadron to come in," Windu observed.

"The clones are being held in this cell and something it's guarded but most of the time it's not, in the cell, there is a small window that could be broken by a Jedi. I want you two to find a Jedi that can handle all of that and for them to ship out as soon as possible, the slave market should be arriving on Florum any day to negotiate a payment with the pirates," 

"We'll get on it right away, we'll be sending a Jedi tomorrow morning to go to Florum," Windu replied.

The Chancellor nodded and Master Windu and I both stood up and bowed slightly towards him before leaving the room.

"Master Yoda just left for negotiation on Naboo, we'll have to think of another Jedi small enough and skilled enough to pull off this mission. There is also a Separatist fleet blocking Florum so we'll have to send a full squadron with the chosen Jedi," Windu explained.

"What about Adi Gallia? She's good at stealth missions," I suggested.

"I agree but piloting skills need improving on in my opinion, we want a high chance that a person can make there way in a small ship towards the planet without getting hit,"

I frowned as I tried to think of someone who could do all of those things that this mission required as we both walking through the halls of the Jedi Temple. 

"What about Ahsoka?" I asked hesitantly, "She's skilled enough and small enough to fit through the vents and release the clones and she's a great pilot,"

"I do not believe your Padawan is old enough to go on a mission of her own yet," 

"Age doesn't always matter, she has the skills for this mission and I know she can do it. I went on my first solo mission when I was 14 and the council eventually let me go on it then,"  I argued.

Windu sighed and gave me a stern gaze that he seemed to reserve just for me since he always disliked me. Since I saved his life when fighting Darth Sidious he allowed me to become a Jedi Master but still didn't like me that much, but I was used to it. 

"Alright, she can go on this mission but send your best troops with her," Windu warned.

"Yes, Master," I replied bowing before walking away to tell Ahsoka the news and brief her on the mission.

I found her walking to her last class of the day which was with Obi-wan, she spotted me and broke away from the other Padawans who were also going to that class.

"Hello Master," Ahsoka greeted walking over to me.

"Hello Ahsoka, are you on your way to Obi-wan's class?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yeah, why?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you about something, you'll miss a bit of class but I can clear it up with Obi-wan," 

"Okaaay, is everything alright Master?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, I just need to brief you on your new mission tomorrow morning,"

"Tomorrow morning, they didn't give us much warning,"

"You'll be going on a solo mission and leading the 501st with Admiral Yularen," I explained.

Her eyes widened and I could sense her panic rise up in her chest but also laced with a tiny bit of pride.

"What? A solo mission?" she yelled, "I-I can't go on a solo mission, I can barely lead a small squadron so how am I supposed to command the 501st by myself!"

"You're overthinking it Snips, you've commanded most of the 501st when I'm out in a fighter, it basically the same thing," I tried to reassure.

"It's definitely not the same thing Master, I can not command the whole 501st that's just crazy!" 

"You can Ahsoka, the council is counting on you to do this mission. I'm counting on you to do this mission. I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think you were ready," I said, "I'll brief you about the mission after Obi-wan's class,"

We walked down the hallways and the whole way Ahsoka tried to convince me to find someone else to do the mission but I kept quiet which frustrated her.

"Please Master, I'm really not ready for a solo mission," she begged.

"You won't be completely alone Ahsoka, you'll only be commanding the whole 501st for a little bit and then Admiral Yularen will take over and you'll be commanding just a small squadron of Rex and his close men," I said.

"I still don't like it," she grumbled.

"It'll be fine Snips,"

I opened the door to the classroom and all the Padawans were busy talking to each other and typing on their datapads, a few looked up as we entered but then resumed to what they were doing. Obi-wan walked over to us with an unimpressed look on his face and a raised eyebrow.

"You do know Ahsoka does need to come to my class no matter how much she hates it," Obi-wan said.

"I don't hate your class Master," Ahsoka immediately responded even though I knew she didn't love it.

"I had to talk to her about something, sorry about the hold-up it'll happen less I promise," I replied.

"Is everything okay?" Obi-wan asked looking between Ahsoka and I.

"Yep, I'll see you afterwards Snips," I said.

She gave me an unamused look and I grinned before walking out the door, I sighed as I walked down the hallway. Ever since Ahsoka lead her first fighter squadron she was always hesitant when she had to do something by herself or with another Master in case something similar happened. I knew in the beginning on this solo mission it will be daunting for her but I have confidence as the mission goes on she'll adapt more to the situation. 

Let's just hope she won't be too nervous at the start of her mission otherwise it could affect the mood of the clones and 501st.

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