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(A/N: The only ships in this are Padme and Anakin, Ahsoka and Anakin have a brother-sister like relationship and Obi-wan and Anakin have a brother relationship as well)

5 days later

Anakin's POV

The force suddenly blared knocking all my senses out for a moment, on instinct I used the force to move the ships steering wheel to the right and the ship banked hard.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan shouted as he grabbed onto the wall to stop himself from falling over.

Red blasts streaked past us and Obi-wan quickly understood why I moved the ship. 

"Ahsoka, guns," I shouted.

We both moved to the back of the ship as the clones and Obi-wan stayed in the front to pilot and to strap down in the seats. 

Ahsoka and I pulled down the viewfinders for the guns and looked through them. Separatist fighters were shooting at us and we're coming pretty close, Ahsoka and I pulled the triggers and began firing back at them. We managed to take down a few before they shot out the guns and then the engines.

"Land on Hoth, aim for our abandoned Republic base in sector 115," I heard Obi-wan yell. 

"Yes, sir!" I heard a clone yell back.

Obi-wan told the other ships the same information and the ship began to plummet towards the icy planet. Ahsoka and I held onto the straps on the walls since we couldn't make it back to the front part fo the ship. The Separatist ships were still firing at us and the other small ships as we entered the atmosphere and the whole ship rocked and groaned as blasts kept hitting our ship. There was a large whining sound in the middle of the ship and my farsight skills kicked in quickly showing me what was about to happen.

"Ahsoka get down!" I yelled.

I basically tackled her to the ground and covered her as much as I could as the ship snapped in half and we were sent flying through the air in the back half of the ship away from the direction the front half of the ship was going in. I closed my eyes as we plummeted through the air and made sure I was holding onto the ship and protecting Ahsoka as much as I could. I heard Ahsoka's scream and then the sound of crushing metal before it all went dark...

I woke up shivering and with a pounding headache, I slowly sat up checking for any broken bones or sharp pains. I looked around at the broken half of the ship, snow had half-filled the broken part of the ship and part of the wall was missing. I spotted Ahsoka lying towards the back wall of the ship and quickly made my way over to her, I pulled her into my lap and quickly scanned her head and face for any injuries.

"Ahsoka, Ahsoka!" I shouted trying to wake her up.

I checked her pulse and thankfully found a strong and steady one. She must've hit her head or something when we crashed. I noticed that she was shivering and her skin was ice cold, I got up and looked through the cupboards in the ship, the back half of the ship usually held all the supplies so there should be a spare cloak or something lying around. 

"C'mon please be something," I muttered while my teeth chattered.

I looked through more cupboards and thankfully found 2 Jedi cloaks and a winter jacket, I wrapped Ahsoka in all three things and placed two gloves over her hands and flicked the hood up on the jacket. I looked out at the wintry storm and sighed sitting in the corner of the ship keeping one hand on Ahsoka's wrist to monitor her pulse. 

Hours later Ahsoka slowly stirred and I helped her sit up. 

"W-What happened?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

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