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(The lightsaber is shown in the image above next to Anakin's except there is two of that lightsaber)

Anakin's POV

I couldn't sense any traps or arrows so I walked forward and stopped in front of the pedestal, I placed my own ignited lightsaber on the smaller pedestal next to it and reached out and grabbed the lightsaber. I felt a jerk from behind my skull and then everything disappeared for a second...

"You don't know the power that the force holds!" snarled a man with jet black hair and sith yellow eyes.

"We warned you Rajivari, this dark power has consumed you!" a woman shouted back igniting a blue lightsaber.

"You don't know the power of the dark side!" Rajivari screamed.

Rajivari ignited a deep sith red blade and the other two male Jedi that were there ignited their lightsabers. 

"Fools! You will never be a match for me!" he hissed.

Rajivari lifted Garon Jard up in a force choke and broke his neck within seconds, the wise Jedi Master left limp in an invisible hold and slumped to the ground as Rajivari released him. Cala Brin, the only girl Jedi Master of the original four, screamed and rushed forward. Her lightsaber hummed, a deep sound as first that got higher as she built up power behind it, the red and blue blades met and a crack like lightning echoed around the ancient Temple they were in. 

Ters Sendon leapt in as Rajivari kicked Cala away, their lightsabers moved perfectly against one another blocked and striking the others blade in a way that almost looked choreographed. Cala Brin jumped back into the fight putting as much power behind every blow. The two Jedi Masters and the Sith moved quickly around the area of the Temple flipped and using the force in ways that the Jedi now could only imagine. A storm began to brew and thunder echoed off in the distance but it was hard to hear since the sound of the blades clashing together made the same sound. 

Rajivari kicked Cala Brin in the stomach forcing her back slightly and he elbowed Ters Sendon's arms up into the air leaving his stomach open, the sith red lightsaber sliced through Ters' stomach as his eyes widened in brief pain and shock. Before he crumpled and lay limp on the ground, a steady pool of blood trickling from his stomach.

"You're a monster!" Cala screamed.

"I have become more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of, it's something you wouldn't understand," Rajivari sneered.

Cala's mouth formed into a straight line of determination and she brought Ters Sendons lightsaber into her hand and ignited it as well as her own. 

"I won't avenge them, but there will be someone who will," she snapped.

She roared and leapt forward, moving fast and gracefully with the two lightsabers as they attacked the red blade. A brief moment of panic crossed over Rajivari's face but he composed himself and shoved her away, he brought a hand back and the blue/purple force lighting shot out towards Cala hitting her in the chest. She slammed into the back wall and fell onto the ground, Rajivari laughed and brought her lightsaber, Garon Jard and Ters Sendon's lightsabers into his hand and placed them on his belt.

"I have no equal, and never will," Rajivari hissed.

The thunder echoed around the planet and Cala looked up into those sith yellow eyes that used to be a deep clear blue. Lightning lit up the sky and Cala grimaced and rolled away from Rajivari and jumped to her feet. Lightning shot down from the sky and Cala aimed it towards Rajivari who screamed and was blasted back. 

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