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3rd Person POV

The whole universe felt it, the pain, the grief and the loss. Most of the universe didn't understand what was going on but they still felt it. The ones that were in tune with the force knew what had happened and the death hit them hard, the clones felt it and faltered for a moment but kept firing as the droids continued to march forward. Master Yoda had to lean again a large piece of rubble as he could feel the once young and powerful life force of Anakin Skywalker was ripped and pulled away from the Galaxy. 

Mace Windu faltered when he left the death as well. Maybe he'd been too hard on the boy and should've learned to trust in the force instead of his instincts, he should've learned to change his opinion on the boy instead of sticking with his theory that the boy was too dangerous to be trained. Anakin had saved Windu's life twice and he never got to repay the favour and Mace found himself wishing he could've had more time.

Plo Koon left the death but only faltered for a second, death was a natural part of the and he knew the Young Jedi Master would want them to keep fighting and to finish what he had started. Anakin Skywalker always had the determination that most Jedi can only dream of and Plo Koon was going to keep that going. He could feel Young Ahsoka's immense grief and pain at the loss of her Master and his heart went out to her, she was still so young and she had a strong connection with her Master and he couldn't even begin to imagine what it must be like for her.

"You are one with the force now Young Skywalker," he whispered looking up at the grey clouds.

In the Jedi Temple, Rex and a medic evac team arrived only to see the scene that laid in front of them, Obi-wan holding Anakin's lifeless body as Ahsoka's clutched his hand and sobbed. The other clones looked at each other, unsure of what to do or how to handle this situation. Captain Rex removed his helmet and placed it on the ground before hesitantly walking forward, he knelt down beside Ahsoka and Obi-wan and placed a hand on the grieving Jedi Master.

"We have to take him now General, there's nothing else you can do," Rex said quietly.

 Rex himself was in a state of shock and grief of his own. Clones were programmed and designed to adapt to any situation and to not let emotions get in the way of doing what they were ordered to do, but he simply couldn't believe that his General was dead. He'd served under Anakin since he was 19 and saw the Young Jedi survive multiple bombings and blaster wounds but every single time he was fine, he was always fine and Rex doubted he'd seen a time when he wasn't. 

Obi-wan finally nodded and Ahsoka finally let go of her Master's hand and stood up, tears streamed down her face and her shoulders shook with her sobs. Rex placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and was slightly surprised when the Young Torguta teen hugged him and cried into his singed chest plate. Rex watched over Ahoska's shoulder as Obi-wan carefully picked Anakin's body up and placed him on the stretcher, Obi-wan whispered something but then stood up with Anakin's lightsaber clutched tightly in his hand. 

Ahsoka pulled away from the clone captain and sniffled before walking beside Rex towards the Jedi Master. Anakin was taken away by the other clones and Ahsoka hugged the Jedi Master, they were both comforted by each other's grief and pain and a singular tear rolled down the clone captain's face that he quickly wiped away. Rex hoped that wherever his General was now, it was nice and he'd be able to rest peacefully knowing that the 501st would continue to carry his legacy and end the war. 

Miles and miles away Senator Amidala was sitting by herself in the corner of the ship silently crying. She was looking after the Younglings and Padawans when she felt his death, she felt him reach out and tell her that it was his final moments and he was sorry, she could feel his pain as he tried to hold on for her and their child but Padme didn't want to put him in any more pain so she let him go. She passed out as their strong loving bond was pulled away and broken and the Younglings and Padawans were worried about here and did there best to make sure she was okay. 

Once the Senator had woken up and assured everyone that she was okay she sent them off to go sleep. The Senator was now in the corner of the ship clutching the necklace to her chest as she cried, one hand was over her large belly that held Anakin's child. How would she raise the child without him? They talked about their future together all the time, her husband loved to talk about what life would be like for them after the war. He said 'after the war' a lot, but now the war was ending and her husband wasn't here, Padme didn't know what to do without him. She had plans to move to Naboo and Anakin was more the willing to give up the Jedi Order for her but now that Anakin wasn't here, moving to Naboo felt like an impossible choice. Everything felt impossible when he wasn't here, all those days and months apart during the war couldn't have prepared her to lose him forever. 

She remembered meeting the young blonde slave on Tatooine who was so full of life and wonder, he asked her if she was an angel. It was kind of ironic that he would the one watching over her in heaven or wherever you went after you died. Padme liked to think that there was something after death, there couldn't be nothing. You come all this way in your life only to die and there be nothing, that didn't make sense to the Senator and she was certain that somewhere, maybe in another universe or Galaxy that her husband would be watching over her. 

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