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Anakin's POV

I sat up in my bed with a jolt and jumped to my feet, I sensed something in the force, it wasn't dangerous but it felt, unusual. I grabbed my lightsaber which was under my pillow and carefully reached out with the force to try and see what the disturbance in the force was, it was confusing like a presence was here but it also wasn't, all I could find out was that they radiated the light side of the force strongly, stronger than what Master Yoda does. 

I reached out with the force and sensed that Obi-wan was in his apartment and he was sleeping while Ahsoka was millions of miles away but I could sense her concentration. I felt the odd presence behind me and I ignited my lightsaber and swiftly spun around pointing it at the figure. 

"If it makes you feel better, you could stab me, but I don't think it would do much," the figure said.

I froze when I saw that the figure wasn't quite human, I could kind of see-through him and he had a blue aura around him. I had learnt about Force Ghosts in some of the ancient Jedi texts but only Master Yoda and a few other Jedi Masters have seen glimpses of one. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I demanded keeping a firm grip on my lightsaber.

"I mean no harm to you, I am simply here to guide you," the figure replied.

"I don't need guidance, especially not yours," I snapped, wary of the strange person.

"You've heard of force ghosts, haven't you?" 

"Yes, but why are you appearing to me in the middle of the night?" 

"Ah, I should probably introduce myself but with a lightsaber in someone's hand it does make it hard," the force ghost said as his eyes flickered down to the dark blue humming blade.

I turned it off and straightened up but I still kept a tight grip on my lightsaber and my finger near the switch to turn it on. 

"I am Kol Skywalker, the first Grandmaster of the old republic," he introduced.

My brain spun around wildly and I blinked a few times before frowning at the ghost.

"Okay, you're definitely making this up," I scoffed glaring at the ghost.

I studied the ghost and he was wearing old Jedi robes, he was tall and had short blonde curly hair and a chiselled out face. A long scar ran along his cheekbone and his dark green eyes were narrowed slightly. He looked to only be in his early 50's but he still had a muscular and fit body and he had a slight beard. 

"I assure you, I'm not," the ghost replied.

"Trust me, my family line is nothing special, just a long line of slave history and other things, even Master Yoda told me that," I argued.

"Master Yoda is a powerful force user but even he doesn't know who was in the old republic, no one does. Yes, a big part of your family history is slavery and scavengers but it goes a long way back to me," 

"There's no way I am descended from the grandmaster of the old republic, everything points to the opposite of it. Master Yoda and Master Windu couldn't detect even the slightest trace of another powerful force presence in my family line,"

"Are you so sure of that?"

I stayed silent trying to come up with an answer but I knew he could see right through me.

"If you are an ancestor, then why are you here?" I asked changing the subject.

"As I said, I am here to guide you, your past has been hidden for centuries and no one nowadays knows about it. I started the first Republic but with that, the start of the Sith rose with it and I'm afraid that it was my fault that the sith rose, I couldn't stop it and thus an imbalance in the force happened. That was when the chosen one prophecy was made and the person who interpreted the prophecy had an idea that balance would be restored through my descendants," Kol explained.

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