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1 day later

Obi-wan's POV

It had been 3 days since I last saw Anakin and Ahsoka, I couldn't sense their force presence and our force bond were completely quite which could mean a few things. Hoth's environment was unforgiving and many of the clones that were left didn't think that Anakin and Ahsoka would still be alive, it would be unlikely that they even survived the ship crash since the back half of our ship was completely torn off and Anakin and Ahsoka were in it. 

Hoth was an extremely cold planet and they were both from pretty warm planets and I know Anakin didn't do too well in the cold. Hopefully, they were both still alive and looking out for each other because if they were then they'd have the best chance at survival. 

"General, the ship is ready," Cody relayed.

"Get together a few men and let's move out," I ordered as I walked down to the hangar.

We've been searching for Anakin and Ahsoka or any other ships that were shot down, only 4 ships made it through out of 10 so the 501st and 212th had been reduced by quite a lot. 

Tup and Fives were piloting the ship and Echo, Cody and Rex were on board as well and they all believed that Ahsoka and Anakin would still be alive but I could tell they were losing hope. We all kept a lookout through the windows to see if we could see anything that might point us in the right direction to see where Anakin and Ahsoka were.

"General, I think you should see this," Rex called.

I went over to the other side of the ship and peered out the window, there was a large lake that had been cracked into many pieces in the middle with a large cut off tentacle lying towards the edge. 

"Land on the edge of the lake, we should take a look at this," I commanded.

"Yes, sir," Fives replied as he began the ship's descent. 

We landed on the snow and Tup and Fives kept the ship running as the rest of us went out into the freezing snow. 

"Stay clear of the ice, the creature could still be in there!" I shouted.

I walked around the outside of the lake and towards the tentacle, the part that had been cut off had been done by a lightsaber no doubt which meant Anakin and Ahsoka must've been here but that could also mean that the creature had done something to them. I shivered from the cold and from the thought, that was probably one of the worst ways to go out and I prayed to the force that it wasn't the case.

"Do you think General Skywalker or Commander Tano would've cut this off?" Rex asked.

"I'm sure of it. Cody, Echo, search the edge of the lake for anything, blood, fabric or even footprints," I commanded.

"Yes sir," they both responded before walking away.

I felt something through the force, something in the lake that was pulling me towards it. I frowned and moved along the edge of the lake until I was as close as I could get to the thing that was pulling me towards it. 

"What is it General?" Rex asked.

I reached out with the force and pulled the thing towards me, it came flying towards me and into my gloved hand. My heart dropped once I saw what it was and I looked at Rex who was sharing the same dread as me. It was Anakin's lightsaber. 

"General!" I heard Cody yell over the snow.

Rex and I made our way back to where Cody and Echo were standing and they showed us blood in the snow.

"Did you guys find anything?" Echo asked.

"I found Anakin's lightsaber in the lake," I replied tightening my grip slightly on the lightsaber I knew as well as my own. 

"That could be Commander Tano's blood, I doubt General Skywalker would let her be dragged into the lake," Rex suggested.

"The blood leads east, should we follow it?" Echo asked.

"I agree, I think it's possibly Ahsoka's blood. We should follow the trail," I said.

We went back into the ship and I sat down on one of the seats still holding his lightsaber. I would've given anything right now to have psychometry so I could see what happened to Anakin because I refused to believe he's dead without proof. We've never given up on each other, whenever the other would go missing or be presumed dead, which wasn't often but it happened sometimes, we'd always hold on to the hope that the other would be alive. Anakin couldn't be dead, I refused to believe it, throughout all the years when I trained him and after he became a Jedi knight he's been through and dealt with a lot. He even killed Darth Sidious so I refused to believe that his death would be by drowning. 

"Sir, the trail stops here," Fives announced.

I looked out the window and saw a massive crevice. It was large enough for our ship to easily fly through it but it was deep, if Ahsoka was down there then she must've fallen which meant she could be really injured. 

"Sir, there's something glowing over there," Rex pointed out. 

I looked out the window to where he was pointed and sure enough, there was something green and glowing in the distance. 

"Place the ship down, we should go check it out," I commanded.

The ship touched down on the cold snow at the bottom of the crevice and Rex, Cody and I got out and looked up at the glowing green light. We made out way up to the light with grappling guns and as we got closer I had a growing suspicion of what it was, I turned out to be correct. It was Ahsoka's lightsaber with a rock on top of the hilt so it would stay on.

I picked up the lightsaber and turned it off before placing it on my belt and walking into the dark cave. I ignited my own blue lightsaber for light while Rex and Cody turned on their torches on their helmets, on the ground leaning against the wall passed out, was Ahsoka. We rushed forward and I knelt down beside her checking her pulse, her skin was freezing and her pulse was slow but steady. 

"Contact the base and tell them to get the med bay ready," I commanded, "Rex, take Ahsoka to the ship,"

Rex scooped Ahsoka up and left the cave as I did one last sweep of the cave, hoping to see Anakin somewhere. 

"General, we should go now, the storms beginning to pick up again," Cody said.

I nodded and we both turned around and went back into the ship where Ahsoka was placed on a stretcher that we placed in the ship. I sat on the floor next to her as the ship took off and towards the base, I kept one hand wrapped around her wrist to monitor her pulse. 

"Hold on Ahsoka, we'll be there soon," I sighed.

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