Teaser Trailers

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Teaser Trailer #1: Max, Duke, and Gidget
*Duke is sleeping with Liam in his bed when suddenly Max jumps onto the bed and wakes them up*
Max: Alright guys! I have big news!
*Illumination Logo*
Max: I think I'm gonna propose to Gidget. I want to take our love story to the next level.
*Now outside Gidget's apartment*
Duke: Just remember to ask with confidence, Max. I'll be behind you all the way.
*Max is now approaching Gidget*
Max: Hey, Gidget? There's something I've been meaning to ask you.
Gidget: What is it, Max?
Max: Gidget, will you...
*Captain Snowball suddenly jumps in through the window*
Snowball: There's trouble in the city! It's time to suit up and move out!"
Gidget: Rodger that, Snowball!
*Snowball then smiles and nods his head before doing a backflip back out the window*
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Gidget: So Max, what were you gonna ask me?
Max: Uh... It can wait.
*More character trailers coming soon*
Song used - Express Yourself (Remix) - The Secret Life Of Pets 2

Teaser Trailer#2: Liam, Snowball, and Daisy
*Liam is in Molly's room with Snowball and Daisy*
Snowball: Liam, if you want to help out on missions, you're gonna need to know how to fight. That's why Daisy and I are gonna help train you.
*Illumination Logo*
*Liam is doing push-ups with Snowball and Daisy on his back*
Liam: 98...! 99...! 100...!
Snowball: Very good. Now, let's see how many you can do with Duke on your back.
Liam: Wait, WHO?!?
Daisy: Snowball, that might be a little too much for Liam to handle.
*They are now at Liam's apartment. Snowball is now throwing random dog toys at Liam and so far, he has either dodged, caught, or knocked back every single one*
Snowball: You're almost there, kid. Just a little bit more.
*Snowball then grabs a ball and throws it at Liam, who kicks it right back and accidentally hits Snowball in the face*
Liam: Oops! Sorry, Snowball.
Daisy: You okay, Fluff Butt?
*Snowball jumps out of the basket of dog toys and lands perfectly on his feet*
Snowball: I'm good!
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Daisy: Snowball and I made this for you.
*Daisy and Snowball then pull a red and blue hoodie out from under Molly's bed with the League of Paws Logo on it and a superhero mask built into the hood. It also has a pair of fingerless gloves*
*Liam puts the hoodie and gloves on and pulls the hood over his head*
Liam: How do I look?
*Snowball and Daisy look at each other and nod their heads before looking back at Liam*
Snowball and Daisy: You look ready.
Song used - AC/DC - Back In Black

Teaser Trailer #3: Tiny, Princess, and Pickles
*Tiny's apartment is full of pets who are enjoying themselves just as much as they did when Pops was in charge. Tiny is just relaxing on the couch with his friends, Pickles and Princess on either side of him when Max, Gidget, Duke, Snowball, Daisy, and Liam come in through the window*
Tiny: Oh, hey guys. What brings you here?
Max: Tiny, we have a new mission.
*Illumination Logo*
*Tiny exits his closet wearing a red and gold superhero costume*
Tiny: How do I look?
Pickles: Not bad, man. Not bad at all.
Princess: You look amazing in a uniform.
*Princess is now giving Tiny the same look Gidget always gave Max before they started dating. Tiny notices this and blushes*
*The Team is now outside the apartment building headed for Brooklyn Bridge as Liam walks over to Tiny*
Liam: So, you and Princess, huh? How long has been going on?
Tiny: Liam, nothing is going on between me and Princess. Well, at least not yet.
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Tiny: Are you sure you guys can handle watching the apartment by yourselves?
Pickles: Tiny, don't worry. Princess and I have got this.
Princess:  All you need to worry about right now is stopping the bad guys.
*Tiny smiles as he and walks out the door with Max and the others*
Pickles: Is Tiny gonna die?
Princess: It's best not to think about it.
Song used - Express Yourself (Remix) - The Secret Life Of Pets 2

Teaser Trailer #4: Tiberius and Iris
Gidget: Tiberius, would you please watch Iris for me?
Tiberius: Absolutely, Gidget. I won't let her out of my sight.
*Illumination Logo*
*Iris is standing on the edge of the fire escape trying to fly like Tiberius. She is about to jump off when Tiberius grabs her by the shoulders and carries her back inside the house*
Tiberius: How about we do something else.
*Tiberius is watching TV when he notices Iris walking back towards the window. He then flies ahead of her and closes it*
Tiberius: Iris, you can't fly, okay? You aren't a bird.
*Iris tilts her head to the side in confusion*
Tiberius: *sigh* I really wish you could understand me like Liam can.
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*Tiberius hears something outside on the fire escape. He goes over to the window only to find Chloe laying on her back with Mel and Buddy standing beside her*
Chloe: Hey Tiberius.
Tiberius: Chloe, are you okay?
Chloe: Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired.
Tiberius: Okay, then. What are you guys doing here?
Buddy: Mel and I saw Iris trying to jump off the fire escape earlier and thought you might need some help.
Tiberius: Oh, Okay. Thanks guys. What about Chloe?
Chloe: I just came because I'm bored.
Tiberius: Oh.
Song used - Express Yourself (Remix) - The Secret Life Of Pets 2

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