Chapter 18

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"I think we lost them," Liam said as he and the rest of the team stopped outside of the warehouse district. Liam then looked back to see Tina and Leo running straight towards them. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Tiny exclaimed. "Run!" Snowball exclaimed as he and the rest of the team ran towards Brooklyn Bridge.

When they arrived at the bridge, they ran across as fast as they could we need to hurry!" Daisy shouted. Suddenly, the center of the bridge blew up, sending everyone flying backwards. "What the heck was that?!" Tiny exclaimed. "Did you really think your escape would be that easy?" Sergei asked as he walked up to them followed by Leo and Tina. "When did you rig the bridge to explode?" Max asked. "That's for me to know and you to never find out," Sergei replied. "You're lucky there wasn't anyone else on the bridge!" Daisy barked angrily. "You could've killed a lot of people just now!"

"Sergei, let's talk about this," Liam said. "You don't need to do this." "There is nothing to talk about!" Sergei shouted. "I went out of business because of all of you, and now you're going to pay!" Duke then looked down over the edge before looking back at Max, Snowball, and Tiny. "Can you 3 swim?" He asked. "Yes, why?" Tiny asked. Suddenly Duke head butted the 3 animals off of the bridge. Screaming as they fell, the 3 animals soon landed in the ocean below.

"Duke, why did you do that?!" Liam exclaimed. "It's the quickest way back to Manhattan," Duke said. "You need to go too." "I'm not leaving you," Liam said. "Liam, please," Gidget pleaded. "We don't want you getting h..." Before Gidget could finish what she could saying, Sergei shot her in the side with his tranq gun. "Gidget!" Liam, Duke, and Daisy exclaimed in unison. Sergei then darted Duke and Daisy and was about to dart Liam before noticing that the child was in fighting position.

"I'm not gonna let you get away with this," Liam said confidently. "That's cute," Sergei said before darting the kid right in the shoulder. Liam's legs started giving out on him as he walked slowly towards Sergei. "Looks like the kid's still got some fight in him," Sergei said as he pushed Liam backwards with his foot. "That should be very useful to us." Liam attempted to get back onto his feet, but then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out.

Menard soon arrived at the bridge with Sergei's old truck. "Did you get them, boss?" He asked. "Most of them," Sergei replied. "The other 3 got away." "Oh well," Menard said as he loaded Liam and the 3 dogs into the cage in the back of the truck. "We'll get the rest of them when they come back for their friends." "And when they do, we'll have everything we need to complete our plan," Sergei said before laughing evilly.

When Max, Snowball, and Tiny soon regained consciousness, they were laying on the shores of Manhattan. "Are you guys okay?" Max asked. "Yeah, I'm good," Snowball replied. "How about you, Tiny Dog?" "I'm good," Tiny said. "I was talking to Max but it's good that you're okay too," Snowball said. "Thanks, I think," Tiny said. "I'm alright," Max said as he stood up and looked around. "Where's everyone else?" "Maybe they didn't get off the bridge in time," Tiny said as he and Snowball got back onto their feet. Max then looked down at the ground sadly.

"What's wrong, Max?" Tiny asked. "I should've just asked her back at her apartment," he said. "It isn't your fault, TD," Snowball said as he placed his paw on Max's shoulder. "I was the one who barged in unannounced." "What are you guys talking about?" Tiny asked. "Tiny Dog here was gonna ask Gidget to marry him," Snowball said. "Seriously?!" Tiny exclaimed. "Congrats man." "Don't worry Tiny Dog," Snowball said. "We're gonna get everyone back. I promise." "But first, we need to head over to my place," Tiny said. "It's time to regroup and think of a new plan to beat Sergei."

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