Chapter 16

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Princess was crying on Pickles' shoulder. "I'm gonna go check on Iris," Tiberius said sadly as he left the room. "I can't believe he's really gone," Pickles said as tears formed in his eyes. "Pops lived a good long life," Buddy said. "He will be deeply missed." "I can't believe I'm saying this," Chloe said. "I'm actually going to miss him flirting with me and calling me Rhonda." "I just can't believe this," Princess whimpered. "What's Tiny gonna think about this when he gets back?"
Meanwhile at the Abandoned Warehouse District
The League of Paws continued chasing after the wolves. "Don't let them get away!" Daisy exclaimed. Eventually they all arrived at Tiberius's old warehouse and the wolves ran inside.

The team walked over to the warehouse and looked up at it. "Looks like they covered up the hole in the wall that Leo made," Gidget said pointing at the wooden planks nailed to the wall. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Max asked. "Let's go kick Sergei's butt."

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