Chapter 8

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The team was now outside Pops and Tiny's apartment. "If anyone knows the quickest way to the sewers, it's Pops," Snowball said as he hopped up to the fire escape and dropped the ladder down. "C'mon, let's go!" The group then climbed up the stairs and entered the apartment.

As usual, the apartment was full of animals listening to music and playing party games. The song that was playing currently was ABC by Jackson 5. Tiny was sitting on the couch with his friends, Pickles and Princess when he saw the team walk up to them. "Oh, hey guys," Tiny said. "What brings you here?" "Tiny, we have a mission," Max replied. "I had a feeling that was the case," Tiny said. "Sure, I'll help you guys out. Alright everyone, party's over! Myron, you know the drill!" Suddenly, the music stopped and the closet door opened revealing Myron on the handle of a vacuum. He then turned on the vacuum, sending animals running and screaming in every direction before eventually jumping out the window and bolting down the fire escape.

"That was quick," Max said. "You should've seen how quickly they bolted out of here when your other friends dropped Hu off here a few years back," Princess said. "Please don't remind me," Pickles said. "I still have nightmares about that." "Why would he have nightmares about that?" Gidget asked. "Pops was flirting with Chloe," Tiny replied. "It was disgusting." "Shouldn't we focus on the mission?" Liam asked. "Liam's right," Tiny said. "So, what's going on this time?" "Sergei's back," Duke replied. "And he has Hu, Laohu, and the cubs." "He doesn't have the cubs," Pickles said pointing over to the 3 cubs hiding under the table. "They have been under that table for 2 hours," Tiny said. "I see," Liam said. "How long have they been here?" "Well, Hu and Laohu dropped the cubs off yesterday," Tiny replied. "But they never came back to pick them up so they had to stay overnight." "Do you need any help?" Princess asked. "We need a quick route to the sewers," Snowball replied. "Could you please bring us to Pops?" "Uh, Pops isn't feeling too well," Tiny said. "Would you like for me to go talk to him?" "Yes, please," Daisy said. Tiny then jumped down from the couch and walked into the back room.

"Pops, Snowball and the others are here," Tiny said. "They need your help." "Did they bring Rhonda?" Pops asked as he attempted to stand up. "No," Tiny said. "Tell them I'm busy," he said as he plopped back down and closed his eyes. "Please, Pops?" Tiny said as he gave the old dog the sad puppy eyes. "They need you." "Tiny, that face isn't going to work on me now that your an adult," Pops said. "Please," Tiny said as he continued to use the face on him." Pops then sighed and asked, "What do they need?" "They need to know the quickest route to the sewers," Tiny said. "Sergei and his thugs might be heading there now." "Of course he is," Pops groaned. "Tell them to take the secret route. You should go with them to give them access," Pops said. "I discussed it with the cat on the roof ages ago." "Wait, does that mean I get to go with them on their mission?" Tiny asked while wagging his tail with excitement. "I guess so," Pops said. "Sweet!" Tiny exclaimed as he rushed out the door.

"So, what did he say?" Snowball asked. "He said the best way is the secret route," Tiny said. "And I can give you guys access." "Does that mean your coming with us?" Liam asked. "Yep," Tiny said. "Now, let's get going." "Wait," Gidget said. "I don't think Duke is going to fit through the vent." "I know," Tiny said. "That's why we're taking the elevator." "Then, what are we waiting for?" Max asked. "Let's get going."

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