Chapter 12

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Tiberius and the others arrived at the apartment to find Pickles and Princess waiting for them. Where is everyone?" Tiberius asked. "They're in the back with Pops," Pickles replied sadly. "Is he okay?" Buddy asked. "We don't know," Princess said with tears in her eyes. "We're worried that he might not have much longer."  Buddy and Mel looked at each other with worried looks on their faces before looking back at Pickles and Princess. "Could you take us to him?" Tiberius asked. Pickles nodded as he lead the group to the back room.

"Here he is," Pickles mumbled as he opened the door. Inside, Pops was laying on his bed. He was coughing a lot. Norman and Sweetpea were standing beside his bed with sad expressions on their faces. Mao, Mu and Xiao were on the other side whimpering. "Pops, are you alright?" Buddy asked. "What does it look like?" Pops wheezed. "Is he going to be okay?" Mel asked. "We're doing the best we can to keep him stable," Pickles said. "It isn't easy though." "Wait, where's Tiny?" Tiberius asked. "Knowing him, he would be right by Pops' side while this is happening." "I told him to go with your friends on their mission," Pops said before coughing some more. "I didn't want him to see me like this." "I totally understand," Buddy said. "That kid means a lot to you, doesn't he?" Pops nodded before saying, "More than you could know."
Meanwhile with the League of Paws
Everyone was crossing the Brooklyn Bridge to get to the Sergei's lair. While crossing, Liam noticed that something was troubling Tiny, so he went over to talk to him. "What's wrong, Tiny?" He asked. "I feel like something's wrong with Pops back at home," Tiny said worriedly. "I hope he's okay." "Don't worry," Liam said. "I'm sure he's doing just fine." Tiny looked up at Liam and smiled. "Thanks Liam," he said. "I'm glad we're friends." "Anytime, man," Liam said before changing the subject. "So, you and Princess, huh? How long has been going on?" "Liam, nothing is going on between me and Princess," Tiny said. "Well, at least not yet."

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