Chapter 11

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Tiberius and Iris were sitting on the couch watching Buddy and Mel play their dancing game. Chloe was laying down beside them, bored out of her mind. The song that the 2 dogs were dancing to was Copacobacabana by Barry Manilow. "Might as well give up now, Buddy," Mel said. "I'm not loosing the title of dancing king anytime soon." "We'll see about that, Mel," Buddy said back. "I'm not giving up until the very end." "Are they always this competitive?" Tiberius asked. "Every time they play," Chloe replied. Suddenly, Buddy's phone started ringing.

"Buddy, pause your game," Tiberius said. "Someone's calling you." "In a minute," Buddy said as he and Mel continued dancing. "Buddy!" Tiberius exclaimed. "Fine," Buddy said as he paused the game and looked down at his phone. "Who is it?" Mel asked. "It's Pickles," Buddy said. "Something must've happened with the cubs." Buddy answered the call and put it on speaker. "What did the cubs do this time?" He asked. "It's not the cubs," Pickles said worriedly. "What's wrong then?" Mel asked. "It's Pops," Princess said also sounding worried. "Something's wrong with him." "Something's been wrong with that old dog for a long time," Chloe said. "Not like that!" Pickles barked. "Could you please come down here?" "We'll be right there," Buddy said as he hung up his phone. "C'mon guys. We need to get to Pops' place ASAP."
Meanwhile at the Underbelly
The team finally reached the end of the pipe and were shocked at what they saw. "We're too late," Tiny said. The Underbelly was completely ransacked. The Flushed Pets were all either unconscious or struggling to get to their feet. There were also claw marks everywhere. "What happened here?" Liam asked. Eventually they found Tattoo, who was laying unconscious under a pile of wooden planks. "Tattoo!" Snowball exclaimed as he ran over to his friend. "Guys, help me get this wood off of him!" Everyone nodded as they ran over to help Snowball get the wood off of Tattoo. Once they finished, Tattoo slowly started to regain consciousness.

"Snowball?" The pig muttered as he struggled to get to his feet. "I'm glad your okay, man," Snowball said. "I'm guessing Sergei did this," Liam said. "That's correct, Liam," Tattoo nodded. "About half an hour ago, Hu and Laohu came down here wearing some strange earpieces and attacked us. They helped Sergei recapture all of his old circus animals." "Even Tina?" Duke asked. Tattoo nodded. Duke then looked down sadly and started whimpering. Liam went over and tried to comfort him. "This is getting really really bad!" Liam exclaimed. "Don't think like that," Max said. "We can do this. We were able to defeat an evil circus owner twice in a row, and we didn't even have any superpowers to fight with." Duke and Liam then looked at each other and smiled. "Max is right," Duke said. "So what if he has Menard and Fourrage from animal control helping him. We've beaten these guys before and we'll do it again." "That's the spirit," Daisy said. "Did they say where they were going?" "I think I overheard Menard say something about the abandoned warehouses in Brooklyn," Tattoo said. "That's where I met back up with Tiberius!" Gidget exclaimed. "They must be using one as a base!" Daisy said. "Then, what are we waiting for?" Max asked. "Let's get going!"

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