Chapter 23

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Max and Snowball slowly snuck their way through Sergei's warehouse until they reached the room with the caged animals. "Guys?!" Liam exclaimed from inside one of the cages. Duke and Daisy were in the cage with him. "Liam!" Max exclaimed happily with his tail wagging. You're okay!" "Don't worry guys," Snowball said hopping over to the cage. " "You shouldn't have come here," Duke said. "It's a trap!" "A trap?" Max asked sounding confused. "What are you talking about?" Liam then took off his hood and revealed that he was wearing one of the earpieces. "No, no, no, no, no!" Max exclaimed. "You need to leave," Daisy said. "Now!" "What about you guys?" Snowball asked. "And where's Gidget?" Max asked. "We don't know," Liam said. "But right now, you need to..."

Before Liam could finish his sentence, the earpieces activated and he, Duke, and Daisy grasped their foreheads and started screaming in pain. "Guys!" Max exclaimed. When the pain stopped, the trio opened their eyes which were now glowing red like everyone else with the earpieces. "You 2 have annoyed me for the last time!" Sergei exclaimed entering the room. "Destroy them!" "Right away, boss," the trio said as then walked slowly towards Max and Snowball.

"Guys, please don't do this," Max pleaded. "That's not our call to make," Liam said as he charged forward and attempted to hammer down on Max with his fist. Luckily the Jack Russel Terrier dodged it, causing Liam to hit the ground instead. There as a huge crack where his fist had made contact with the ground. "Since when can he do that?!" Max exclaimed. "I made your friends' earpieces a little stronger," Sergei replied as he grinned evilly at the pets. "Define a little!" Snowball exclaimed as he attempted to push Daisy off of him. Sergei then pulled a remote out of his pocket and pushed the button on it.

Suddenly, all the cages opened up, allowing Sergei's mind controlled circus animals to come out. "Let's face it," Sergei said. "You can't defeat me and my army." "Not without an army of our own Tiny said as he entered the room followed by Pickles and Princess. "You call that an army?" Sergei said laughing. The next one to enter was Tiberius, followed by Ozone, Nitro, Leonard, Mao, Mu, Xiao and every animal they've ever known, along with a lot that they don't. "How's this for an army? Tiberius asked. "League of Paws! Charge!"

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