Chapter 25

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Gidget ran forward and kicked Max into the wall behind him. The Jack Russell Terrier got back up and tried reasoning with her. "Gidget, it's me!" He exclaimed. "It's Max!" "I know who you are!" Gidget said. "You're the reason all of Sergei's plans have failed, and you're gonna pay for it!" "She can still here me!" Max said.

Outside, everyone was waiting for Max and Gidget to come out of the warehouse. "Where are they?" Liam asked worriedly. "The building's about to collapse."

The building had already started to fall apart. Max and Gidget continued fighting inside. "Gidget! Please!" Max pleaded. "I love you! I can't hurt you!" Gidget growled and kicked the Jack Russell Terrier into the wall again. "Then you will die," the Pomeranian said as she slowly walked towards Max. "Why even bother?" Sergei asked. "Nothing you say will get through to her!" Suddenly, Max had an idea. "We'll see about that!" Max exclaimed as he walked towards Gidget slowly.

"Gidget, the past 3 years that I've been dating you have been some of the best years of my life," the Jack Russell Terrier said. "I love you with all of my heart. Will you happiest dog in the world, and marry me?" Gidget gasped and stopped in her tracks. Once Max got to the Pomeranian , he placed his paw on top of hers. "Yes," Gidget said as tears formed in her eyes and she placed her forehead against Max's. "Oh my gosh! Yes!" "What are you doing?!" Sergei shouted. "Finish him!" "Not on your life!" Gidget barked as she broke off her earpiece and shared a kiss with Max.

"I've had enough!" Sergei shouted as he grabbed his tranq gun and aimed it at Max. "You can't escape if you're unconscious." "Oh, no you don't!" Gidget shouted as she shot fire out of her eyes and hit the gun out of his hand.

"I am not going down without killing at least one of you!" Sergei shouted as he reached into his coat pocket for his pistol

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"I am not going down without killing at least one of you!" Sergei shouted as he reached into his coat pocket for his pistol. Suddenly, the ground under him broke apart causing him to fall to the bottom to the building. "We really need to leave!" Max exclaimed. "How?" Gidget asked before a large piece of the ceiling fell down beside them. The 2 dogs looked up and realized that the hole in the ceiling lead to the outside. "That might work," Max said. "How are we gonna reach it?" "Hold on," Gidget said. "Laser eyes is one of the powers I had in my superhero dream I had that one time, so if I had that, then maybe..."

"They've been in there for way too long!" Liam exclaimed. "I'm going in after them!" "Wait," Tiny said. "What's that?" Suddenly, Gidget came flying out of the top of the building carrying Max with her. "I can fly!" The Pomeranian exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?!" Tiny exclaimed before the entire warehouse collapsed.

 "Are you kidding me?!" Tiny exclaimed before the entire warehouse collapsed

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Gidget placed Max right in front of the group and landed right beside him. "Hey everyone, guess what I just did," Max said. "What did you do?" Duke asked. "Max just proposed to me!" Gidget exclaimed. "We're getting married tomorrow!" "Nice!" Duke exclaimed. "I knew you could do it." "Thanks bro," Max said. Liam then went over to Max and Gidget and hugged them. "I love you guys," Liam said. "We love you too," Max and Gidget said in unison.

"We should probably get going," Reginald said as he and all of the pets from Brooklyn started heading home. "Us too," Ozone said as he headed for the Manhattan Bridge. "C'mon tigers," Nitro said as he followed Ozone to the Manhattan Bridge along with Hu, Laohu, the tiger cubs, Sergei's animals, most of the pets from Manhattan, and all of the Flushed Pets except Derick, Bearded Dragon, and Ripper. "Should we get going too?" Liam asked. "Not yet," Derick replied with Menard and Fourrage pinned under him. "Tattoo will be here shortly with our ride." "Why didn't the rest of our friends stay here with us?" Liam asked. "Let's be honest," Tiny said. We have too many friends than what can fit on a city bus." "Good point," Liam said. "Wait! Where's Dr. Winston?!" Gidget exclaimed. "Unfortunately, he escaped, but we'll get him next time," Liam replied. "Anyway, when will Tattoo get here? My parents get home at 9 P.M." "Then it's a shame you won't be there," said a familiar voice from out of the rubble of the warehouse. Everyone then turned to the rubble to see Sergei pop up out of it and aim his pistol at them. "Surprise!" He shouted before laughing evilly.

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