Chapter 3

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1 hour later
Duke and Liam were sleeping when Max suddenly came in and woke them up. "Alright guys, I have big news!" He said. "Can't it wait until later?" Liam asked. "Yeah. We're still exhausted from our race this morning," Duke said. "You mean the one where you cheated?" Max asked. "Hey!" Duke barked. "He's got a point, Duke," Liam said as he rolled over and went back to sleep. "I think I'm gonna propose to Gidget," Max said. Hearing that, Liam's eyes shot open as he sat up in his bed and he and Duke looked over and Max.

"Seriously?!" Liam exclaimed. "Congratulations, Max," Duke asked. "Yeah, good job man," Liam said. "Thanks guys," Max said. "I really want to take our love story to the next level." "Do you have a wedding ring for her?" Liam asked. "Liam, we're dogs. We don't wear rings," Max said. "Fair enough," Liam said. "How are you gonna get to her apartment with Katie and Chuck noticing you're gone?" Duke asked. "Katie and Chuck left an hour ago," Max replied. "Really? I didn't hear them leave," Duke said. "You were asleep," Max reminded him. "Oh yeah," Duke said.
A few minutes later
Max and Duke are outside Gidget's apartment. Liam is back in the apartment would have come to but he had other business to attend to. "Do you think she'll say yes?" Max asked. "Just remember to ask with confidence, Max," Duke said. "I'll be behind you all the way." Max then took a deep breath and smiled. "Thanks Duke," Max said. "I needed that."
Max then entered the apartment and walked up to Gidget. "Hey, Gidget," Max said. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you." Gidget turned to Max and smiled. "What is it, Max?" She asked. Max then took a deep breath and said, "Gidget, will you..." Captain Snowball suddenly jumped in through the window. "There's trouble in the city!" He exclaimed. "It's time to suit up and move out!" "Rodger that, Snowball!" Gidget said. "I'll be right with you." Snowball smiled and nodded before doing a backflip back out the window. Gidget then turned back to her boyfriend. "So Max, what were you gonna ask me?" She asked. "Uh... It can wait," Max said. "Okay," Gidget said as she kissed Max on the cheek making him blush and walked over to the closet to get her suit.

Snowball arrived back at his apartment to find Liam and Daisy waiting for him. "Oh, hey Liam," Snowball said. "What's going on?" "Snowball, I think it's time," Liam said. Knowing what the boy meant, Snowball sighed and said, "Liam, I hear you. I really do, but I just don't want you to get hurt." "What makes you think I'll get hurt?" Liam asked. "Kid, it's pretty normal for you," Daisy said. "For example, the time the alley cats dropped a cooler on your head." "Is that really necessary?" Liam asked. "The time you fell off a ladder at Battleship New Jersey," Snowball said. "The time you got hit in the face with a soccer ball and tore your ACL when you fell over-" "Okay, I get it!" Liam exclaimed. "But I'm fine now, I promise." Snowball and Daisy then looked at each other and sighed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Snowball asked nervously. "Positive," Liam replied. "Alright then," Snowball said. "Liam, if you want to help out on missions, you're gonna need to know how to fight. That's why Daisy and I are gonna help train you." "I must warn you," Daisy said. "It's not going to be easy." "I wouldn't have it any other way," Liam said. "Then let's get this party started!" Snowball exclaimed.

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