Chapter 19

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Liam woke up to find himself tied up beside Duke, Daisy, and Gidget inside some lab. "Oh, good," Winstone said. "You're awake." "Where are we?" Liam asked. "Welcome to my secret lab," Winstone said. "This is where I made the earpieces that are controlling your circus friends." "Why are you helping Sergei?" Duke asked. "He's a madman!" "He's willing to pay me a lot," Winstone said. "It's kinda sad that you need technology to understand us" Daisy asked. "Liam doesn't need stuff like that." "Good for him," Sergei said sarcastically as he entered the lab. "Have you finished their earpieces yet?" "Yes," Winstone said. "But I'll need a few hours to perfect them."

"What do you mean perfect them?" Liam asked. "What do you think I mean, child?" Sergei asked. "The earpieces I put on my animals increase both their speed and their strength, but you and your friends still managed to defeat all 4 of my wolves when I sent them to slow you down. That's why I'm going to add you and all your friends to my army, except your earpieces will make you stronger than all 4 of my wolves and Leo combined!"

Max, Snowball, and Tiny arrived back at Pops' apartment only to find all their friends were inside waiting for them. "Where are Liam, Duke, Gidget, and Daisy?" Buddy asked. "They got taken by Sergei," Max replied. "But we're gonna get them back. To do that, we're going to need a really big team." "And we aren't just talking about the remaining League of Paws members," Snowball said. "We're gonna need help from every pet in the city." "How are we going to convince them to help us?" Tiberius asked. "I know someone who can be very convincing," Max said.

"I'm going to talk to Pops real quick," Tiny said. "Before you do that, Tiny, there's something you need to know," Princess said sadly. "What is it?" Tiny asked as he looked back at Princess. "I'm sorry, Tiny," Pickles said sadly to his best friend. "Pops is gone." Tiny gasped and stepped backwards. "No. Y-Y-You're lying. It's not true!" Tiny said as tears started forming in his eyes. "Tiny, I am so sorry," Pickles said. "Are you okay?" "I need to be alone for a moment," Tiny whimpered as he ran into the back room. Max tried to follow him, but Snowball held him back. "Let's give him some time alone, Tiny Dog," Snowball said. The Jack Russel Terrier then sighed before nodding his head in agreement.

Tiny entered the back room to find Pops laying motionless on his bed. The young basset hound walked over to Pops and lay down in front of him. "Pops, I know you wanted me to go with our friends on their mission so I wouldn't see this," Tiny said as tears formed in his eyes. "But now, I wish I had stayed with you. I wish that I didn't leave you in your last moments." Tiny then started sobbing his eyes out. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered. "It isn't your fault, Tiny," said a familiar voice. Tiny looked back to see Pops' ghost standing there, on all fours none the less.

"Pops?!" Tiny exclaimed. "Not so loud," Pops said. "You're the only one who can see me." "Right," Tiny said. "Sorry Pops." "Also Tiny, I told you to go with them because I didn't want you to see it happen," Pops said. "I know how emotional you can get." Tiny nodded before walking over to the ghost dog. "We're all really going to miss you," the young dog said as he looked up at Pops with puppy dog eyes. "I'll always be with you, Tiny," Pops said as he nuzzled the little dog. "I promise." Suddenly, Pops' ghost started fading away. "Dad," Tiny said sadly before the ghost dog completely faded away. The young basset hound then took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you Pops," he said. "I'm never going to forget you."

Tiny came out of the back room with a big smile on his face. "You seem a lot better," Princess said. "What changed?" "I'll explain later," Tiny said. "So, what's the plan?"

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