Chapter 13

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"Are you finished?" Sergei asked as he entered in the warehouse where he had set up his base of operations. "Yessir," Menard replied. Sergei looked around the warehouse at all of his circus animals caged up around him. All of them were wearing earpieces similar to the ones he put on Hu and Laohu, who were standing beside Menard and Fourrage with glowing red eyes. "I'm so glad to have all of you back," Sergei said. "I hope you will all be as cooperative with me as you used to be." "Not if the League of Paws gets here first and stop you," the lead wolf said to his fellow wolves. "You know I can understand you with this thing on, right?" Sergei asked as he pointed at the earpiece that he was wearing. "We do now," the lead wolf said nervously. "Also, I'm afraid your pet buddies won't be able to stop me this time," Wagner said. "And why is that?" Leo asked from a nearby cage. "Because the wolves are going to stop them before they get here," Wagner replied. "What makes you think we'll listen to you?" The lead wolf asked. "This does," Sergei said as he pressed the button on his earpiece, causing every animal in the warehouse to close their eyes and start howling in pain with their paws pressed against their foreheads.
A few minutes later with the League of Paws
The team was eating lunch at a picnic table outside. "It was smart of us to bring lunch," Liam said as he took a bite out of the sandwich he made before they left on their mission. "Agreed," Snowball said while nibbling on a carrot. "The League of Paws!" Said a voice. The team looked over to see a boy Liam's age walking over to him. Liam and Tiny's eyes widened when they realized who it was. "Thank goodness you're here. I need your help," the boy said. "I was out on the- wait, Liam, is that you?" "Hey Daniel," Liam said nervously as he took another bite of his sandwich.

"Liam, you never told me you joined the League of Paws," Daniel said. "I just joined today," Liam informed him. "Oh, okay," Daniel said. "That's cool." "So, what are you doing in Brooklyn?" Liam asked. "Oh, I was just visiting my uncle," Daniel replied. "He has an apartment near the old warehouses." "Did he say old warehouses?" Duke asked. "Yes," Liam said. "Yes he did." "I still don't understand how you're able to understand them" Daniel said. "We don't know either," Liam said. "It's all just a big mystery. Anyway, you said you needed our help with something?"

"Oh yeah," Daniel said remembering why he came to talk to them. "I was out on the fire escape when I heard animal noises coming from one of the warehouses. It sounded like they were in pain." "That sounds just like what Max and Gidget said they heard when Sergei put one of those earpiece things on Laohu!" Daisy exclaimed. "You're right!" Liam said. "Thanks Daniel." "Anytime," Daniel said. "I should probably head back. Good luck saving New York." Thanks again," Liam said. "Bye Daniel." Daniel waved goodbye to Liam as he headed back to his uncle's place. "Hold on," Tiny said. "Where are Max and Gidget?" "Oh, they finished lunch a while ago and went on ahead," Daisy said. "We should probably go meet up with them." "Alright them," Liam said as he finished his sandwich and grabbed his backpack.

Max and Gidget were sitting next to each other looking out at the abandoned warehouses. "This place is still as creepy as ever," Gidget said. "Yeah," Max said. "It does seem like the perfect place for a villain like Sergei to have his lair." "You know? I honestly never thought I'd ever be working to save the world, but I'm happy to be doing it with you. Max then smiled at Gidget and the 2 dogs shared a passionate kiss. "Alright, Max. It's time to ask her," Max thought to himself. "Hey, Gidget?" He said. "What is it, honey?" Gidget asked. Max then took a deep breath before asking, "Gidget, will you-?" "Hey guys," Liam said as he ran up to them. "Oh, hey Liam," Gidget said. "Where's the rest of the team?" "Here we are!" Tiny exclaimed. "What was keeping you guys?" "Liam decided to run ahead for some reason," Snowball said while panting. "Oh, okay," Gidget said. "So, what were you asking me, Max?" "Uh," Max said nervously. "I'll ask you later."

*Daniel does not belong to me. He was created by JoeLynch870 for The Secret Life of Pets the series. Leo and Tina were created by Tiberius_the_Hawk for The Secret Life of Pets 3*

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