Chapter 9

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Tiberius was sitting on the couch with Iris watching TV. He suddenly saw a squirrel outside on the fire escape. "Iris, I will be right back," Tiberius said as he flew out the window to catch it. On his way back from catching the squirrel, he found Iris standing on the edge of the fire escape. "Oh my gosh!" Tiberius shouted as he flew up and grabbed her before she jumped and carried her back inside. "Iris, don't scare be like that," the hawk said while panting. "Gidget would kill me if anything bad happened to you."

Tiberius is now back on the couch watching TV when he notices Iris heading back towards the window. "Iris, no!" He exclaimed as he flew over to her, grabbed her, and put her back on the couch. "How about we do something else."

Tiberius was now sitting right next to Iris and making sure she doesn't get up. He suddenly saw another squirrel out on the fire escape but then closed his eyes and shook his head. "Don't get distracted, Tiberius," he said to himself. "You already caught one squirrel today. You don't need another." He then took a deep breath and looked back over at Iris, who was once again going to the window. "Oh, come on!" Tiberius exclaimed as he flew over to the window and shut it. "Iris, you can't fly, okay? You aren't a bird." Iris tilted her head to the side in confusion. Tiberius sighed. "I really wish you could understand me like Liam can," he said. "I hope he and the others are having better luck than I am.
Meanwhile at Pops' Apartment
Tiny is looking through the closet for his suit. Everyone else is waiting for him outside the closet. "Did you find it?" Liam asked. "Not yet!" Tiny called back. "Pickles, where did you put my superhero suit?" "I put it in the back!" Pickles replied. "I'm looking in the back!" Tiny said. "It's not there." "This is gonna take a while," Pickles said. "Do you need any help?" Princess asked. "No, wait! I found it!" Tiny called back. "We're wasting too much time." Snowball said. "We could've already been at the sewers." Tiny then came out of the closet wearing a red and gold superhero suit. The letters TM are written on the mask and the League of Paws logo is embroidered behind the letters like on Liam's suit. "How do I look?" Tiny asked. "Not bad, man," Pickles said. "Not bad at all." "You look amazing in a uniform," Princess said as he gave Tiny the same look Gidget used to give Max before they were dating. Tiny noticed this and blushed. "Alright, now let's get going," Max said. "We need to get to the sewers before Sergei does." Tiny nodded as he and the team headed for the door. "Are you sure you guys can handle watching the apartment by yourselves?" Tiny asked. "Tiny, don't worry. Princess and I have got this." "All you need to worry about right now is stopping the bad guys," Princess said. Tiny smiled as he and walked out the door with Max and the others. "Is Tiny gonna die?" Pickles asked. "It's best not to think about it," Princess replied.
Back at Gidget and Tiberius' Apartment
Tiberius and Iris were both asleep on the couch. Suddenly, Tiberius heard a noise coming from outside. The hawk flew over the window only to find Chloe laying on her back with Mel and Buddy standing beside her. "Hey Tiberius," Chloe said. "Chloe, are you okay?" Tiberius asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" Chloe replied. "Just tired." "Okay, then," Tiberius said. "What are you guys doing here?" "Mel and I saw Iris trying to jump jump off the fire escape earlier and thought you might need some help," Buddy said. Oh, Okay. Thanks guys," Tiberius said. "What about Chloe?" "I just came because I'm bored," Chloe replied. "Oh," Tiberius said sounding unamused.

Norman and Sweetpea suddenly came in through the vent. "Hey guys," Norman said. "What are you up to?" "I'm just watching Iris while the rest of the gang is going to the sewers," Tiberius replied. "Why are they going to the sewers?" Norman asked. "They're going there to stop Sergei," Tiberius replied. "You should've been at the team meeting." "Sorry, Sweetpea and I were hanging out," Norman said. "Is there anything I can do?" "Actually, yes," Buddy said. "Liam just texted us that Hu and Laohu's cubs are at Pops' apartment. Could you 2 go there and make sure they stay safe?" "Absolutely," Norman said. Sweetpea chirped in agreement as he and Norman re-entered the vents and headed over to Pops' apartment. "Is it just me or did those 2 seem really calm about this?" Chloe asked.

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