Chapter 17

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Liam looked up at the large building and took a deep breath. "You okay, Liam?" Duke asked as he and Max walked over to him. "I'm just a little nervous," Liam replied. This is my first mission. I'm worried I might mess it up." "Liam, you're going to do just fine," Max said as he put his paw on his shoulder and licked Liam's face. "We promise." Liam then looked over at Duke who smiled and nodded his head. "I love you guys," Liam said as he hugged the 2 dogs. "We love you too, buddy," Max and Duke said in unison.

Snowball peeked through the door to see if anyone was inside. Luckily there was no one in site. "All clear," he said as he signaled for everyone to come in. "Looks like they did a lot of renovations," Gidget said as she looked around the warehouse and noticed Sergei's logo marked on all of the walls. "Does anyone else get the feeling we're being watched?" Tiny asked nervously. "Probably just your imagination," Liam said. "If you say so," Tiny said. "They were in here," Max said sniffing a nearby wall. "Sergei must have moved them." The group then heard someone coming and hid behind some crates. Sergei entered and checked to see if anyone had snuck in. "Thought I heard something back here," he said as he left the room. "That was too close," Tiny said while breathing heavily. "Let's go," Daisy said as she walked over to where Sergei was headed. Everyone else followed her.

The group then turned a corner to find Sergei walking up a flight of stairs. "Let's hurry," Snowball whispered as the group followed Sergei up the stairs. Sergei looked back and saw them. "You're not stopping me!" He shouted. "Not today!" Sergei then ran up the rest of the stairs, grabbed a crate and through it at them. "Luckily, they were able to avoid it. "Why can't you just stay out of my way?!" Sergei shouted as he ran through the door at the top of the stairwell. "You're not getting away that easily!" Snowball exclaimed as he and the rest of the team ran up the stairs after Sergei. The entered the room to find the lead wolf waiting for them. "I'll distract them," Duke said as he ran towards the wolves. "You guys go save the rest of the animals." "Thanks Duke," Max said as he and the group ran passed Duke and the lead wolf and through the door on the other side of the room.

When they entered the room, they found it full of caged up circus animals. Each one was wearing an earpiece like the ones that the wolves were wearing. "How are we supposed to get them all out of here?" Liam asked. "You're not," Sergei said as he, Winstone, Menard and Fourrage entered the room with Hu and Laohu by their side. Snowball and Daisy stared at their mind-controlled tiger children in horror as they snarled back at them.  "You should've brought more teammates," Winstone said as he pulled a remote out of his pocket and pressed the button on it, causing all of the cages to open up. "Don't let them get away!" Sergei shouted. "We need to leave now!" Liam exclaimed . "We're not leaving without them!" Snowball shouted. "Liam's right," Tiny said. "There's no way we can save all of them with only 7 of us." Snowball sighed as he and the rest of the team ran out the door. "C'mon Duke!" Max exclaimed. "We're getting out of here!" "What about the circus animals?" Duke asked as he pinned down the lead wolf. "We're gonna come back for them," Liam said. "But we need a bigger team first." Duke nodded as he released the lead wolf and ran after the team.

Sergei entered the room with the lead wolf in it to find him struggling to get back on his feet. "You let them get away?!" He shouted. "They're stronger than you think," the lead wolf said. "Especially for a bunch of pets and a child." Sergei then reached into his pocket and pulled out his tranq gun. "If what you say about them is true," he said. "Then maybe they could be useful to us."

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