Chapter 6

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Max and Gidget continued following the cloaked man through the alley. "How far is this guy going?" Gidget asked. "I don't know," Max said as he watched the man turn another corner. "And why would he come to the Alley Cats' layer anyway?" "Maybe he's after Hu and Laohu," Gidget said. "I guess that would make sense," Max said. "But what would he want with them?" "How do we even know it's a guy?" Gidget asked. "It could be a girl." "We seem to be asking a lot of questions," Max said.

The cloaked man suddenly stopped and checked behind him to make sure nobody was following him. Max and Gidget hid behind a trash can so he wouldn't see them. "Must have been hearing things," the man said as he turned back around and continued on his path.

Max then peeked around the trash can and noticed the man was gone. "That was definitely a man voice," Max said. "Definitely," Gidget said. "Which way did he go?" "I think I heard him go this way," Max said as he walked forward and looked down the alley to the left. "Guess not. It's a dead end." Max and Gidget entered the alley and looked around. "What about that door?" Gidget asked. Max looked over at his girlfriend and noticed that she was standing in front of a metal door. "Wow, I didn't even notice that," Max said as he walked over to the door. "Nice find, Gidget." "Thanks Max," Gidget said. "Looks like it's still slightly open too." Gidget then heard people talking inside. Gidget then took a peek inside and saw the cloaked man, but what really surprised her was who was standing in front of him.

"So, Doctor Wagner," Sergei said to the cloaked man. "Is it finished?" "It is," Wagner said as he pulled his hood off an earpiece out of his pocket and handed it to him. "This will allow you to understand what animals are saying." "Does it also do that other thing I mentioned?" Sergei asked. Wagner nodded. "We need to test it though," he said. "Fourrage! Menard! Bring in the tiger!" Fourrage and Menard then came in from the back dragging Laohu with him. Menard took another earpiece out. This one was different from the one he gave to Sergei. "Put this in Laohu's ear," Wagner said. Sergei did. "Now what?" He asked. "Press the button on your earpiece," Wagner replied. Sergei pressed the button and a few seconds later, Laohu held her paw against her forehead and started roaring in pain. Eventually, she passed out from all the pressure in her head.

"Is she dead!?!" Sergei exclaimed. "She's fine," Wagner said. "It's just a painful process. When she wakes up, she'll obey every order you give her without hesitation." "So, where are the rest of your animals?" Fourrage asked. "I have reason to believe they're living in the sewers," Sergei replied. I recently learned that a group of pets who either abandoned their owners or got abandoned by their owners has been living there and bringing in homeless animals for years. The leader of the group hit me with a bus the night that my animals left me." "I guess it wouldn't hurt to check," Menard said.

Max and Gidget then looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. "You heard all that, right?" Max whispered. "Every word," Gidget whispered back. "We need to tell the others."

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