Chapter 24

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The army of pets charged at the mind controlled circus animals, as well as Liam, Daisy, and Duke. "Remember, we're not trying to hurt them!!" Max exclaimed so everyone could hear him. "We just need to remove the earpieces that are controlling them!" "On it!" Tiberius exclaimed as he flew forward at Duke's ear. The hawk then grabbed the part of the earpiece that wrapped around the outside of his ear holding it in place and snapped it, causing it to fall out of the Newfoundland Mix's ear. "What's happened?" Duke groaned. "Sergei was using that earpiece to control you," Tiberius said pointing at the earpiece on the ground. "But you're free now." "Wait, where's Liam?!" Duke asked. "He had an earpiece too!" The Newfoundland Mix then ran off looking for his little brother. "A thank you would've been nice!" Tiberius shouted. "Thank you!" Duke shouted back. "That's better," Tiberius said.

Duke soon found Liam just in time to see Max break off the part of his earpiece holding it in place, allowing it to fall out of his ear too. "Run!" Liam exclaimed finishing his sentence from earlier. "Wait, what happened? When did all these animals get here?" "I'll explain later," Max said as Duke came over to them. Suddenly, Tiny leaped onto Duke's head and and immediately leaped off and landed right on top of Leo's. "Glad to see your brothers are okay, Max," the basset hound said as he broke Leo's earpiece. Duke smiled before Fourrage tackled him to the ground. "Duke!" Max and Liam shouted in unison as Liam reached his arm out and somehow shot lightning out of it, sending Fourrage flying off of Duke.

"Okay, what the heck was that?!" Tiny exclaimed as he hopped off of Leo's head. Liam looked down at his now sparking hand with a shocked look on his face. "You said something about there being side effects," Sergei said looking over at Winstone. "What kind of side effect is that?!?!" "Remarkable" Winstone whispered to himself before turning to Sergei and exclaiming, "I didn't know that would happen!" "Why you little!" Menard shouted as he charged at Liam. "Oh, no you don't!" Duke barked as he head butted Menard and sent him flying backwards through the wall into the next room. "Duke has super strength!" Liam shouted.

Meanwhile, Snowball and Daisy were fighting against each other. "Daisy, stop! Please!" Snowball pleaded. "I don't want to hurt you! You're my partner!" Daisy growled and tackled Snowball and pinned him to the ground. "I'm only loyal to Sergei now," Daisy said. Snowball then reached up and tried to take Daisy's earpiece out but she noticed and stopped him. Then while Daisy wasn't paying attention, Ozone came over and snatched the earpiece off of her. "What the," Daisy said before realizing she was pinning Snowball. "Oh my gosh! Snowball! I'm so sorry!" "It's alright," Snowball panted. "Thanks Ozone." "Don't mention it," Ozone said as he went off to free more animals.

Snowball and Daisy then ran over to Max, Duke, and Liam and saw them fighting the mind controlled animals and saw Liam and Duke using their new powers. "I'm sorry, what?!" Snowball exclaimed. "Hey, you freed Daisy," Liam said. "Didn't you see Fourrage go flying through that wall?" Tiny asked. "We did not," Daisy replied as Tina snuck up behind her. "Daisy! Look out!" Liam exclaimed. Daisy then turned around glared at the bear and suddenly Tina floated off the ground and flew back into the wall. "Easy!" Duke exclaimed as he pinned the lead wolf and broke his earpiece. "That's my girlfriend!" "Sorry," Daisy said.

"Wait! Daisy just used telekinesis!" Snowball said. "Wow! I guess I do!" Daisy said. "That gives me an idea." "What kind of idea?" Liam asked as he zapped the lead wolf and disabled his earpiece: "Liam, your new powers seem short circuiting the earpieces," Daisy said. "Liam, do you think you could do that without zapping the animals wearing them?" "I'll try," Liam said. "But I'll need a clear shot." "Leave that to me," Daisy said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they were glowing. This time, in their natural color.

Suddenly, all of the remaining circus animals that were being controlled by Sergei started floating in midair. "Aww," Tiny said. "Now I kinda wish Sergei took me hostage too." "Why would you want that?!" Pickles exclaimed. "Anytime now, Liam," Daisy said. "On it," Liam said as he short circuited the remaining earpieces with his powers. After that, Daisy put the circus animals down and everyone turned to Sergei, Menard, and Fourrage with angry looks on their faces. The animals who found Sergei's warehouse went to the front of the crowd.

"Do you think I'm scared of you?!" Sergei asked angrily. "I will never be scared of you." "You should be," Liam said as he ran up to the front at lightning speed. "I have super speed too?!" "I guess so," Snowball said. "You really are living up to the name Lightning Liam." "We quit!" Fourrage exclaimed as he and Menard ran out of the room and headed for the stairs. Dr. Winstone then left as well, but he took a different way out. "This isn't over!" Winstone called back to the animals as he left through a vent that lead out the back of the warehouse. "They're getting away!" Max exclaimed as he started running after them before getting stopped by Tiny. "They won't get far," Tiny said. "This isn't even half of the pets that we brought with us."

Menard and Fourrage arrived outside to find an entire hoard of pets waiting for them. "Nice animals," Menard said nervously before the pets started pilling on top of them. Winstone's exit however was unguarded and he was able to get away.

Inside, everyone was focused on Sergei. "Give up, Sergei," Snowball said. "You are majorly out numbered. Sergei glared at the rabbit angrily before shouting, "If I have to go down, I'm taking all of you with me!" Sergei then pulled another remote out of his coat pocket and pressed the button on it right before running into the lab. "Self destruct sequence in 10 minutes," said a computerized voice.

"Say what now?!" Ozone exclaimed. "Boss, we need to get out of here!" Nitro said. "Agreed," Ozone said back. "Everyone! Follow us!" Ozone and Nitro then guided the larger animals out of the room and down the stairs to the exit. "Liam, how fast do think you can get the rest of these guys out of here?" Snowball asked. "Let's see," Liam replied as he zipped around, grabbing the smaller animals and getting them outside. Once he was done, he came back inside panting. "That's everyone I could lift," Liam said. Everyone else will have to get out themselves. I can't lift them." "Alright. Let's get out of here, everyone!" Duke exclaimed. "What about Gidget?" Max asked. "I didn't even see her in the fight," Liam replied. "Oh no," Max said worriedly as he looked around. "Liam, you and everyone else get out! I have to find Gidget!" "How many times do I have to say this today?!" Liam exclaimed. "I'm not leaving you!" "Liam, I would never be able to forgive myself if you were killed by this collapsing building!" Max exclaimed. "Please!" Liam looked at Duke who nodded his head at him. The boy sighed before looking back at Max and nodded his head. "Okay," Liam said sadly as he headed out of the building with Duke and the rest of the large animals.

"Max went into the lab and looked around for Gidget, calling her name all the while. The lights were off which made it really hard to see. Eventually though, he managed to find her and smiled. "C'mon Gidget," Max said as he walked towards the Pomeranian. "We need to leave before we get crushed." "I'm not going anywhere with you," Gidget said as she turned towards her boyfriend and glared at him with glowing red eyes. "Oh no," Max said. "You still have your earpiece!" "Well, isn't this interesting," Sergei said as he came into view. "You're own true love is going to be the one that causes your death. Gidget, destroy him!"

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