Chapted 29

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Max, Duke, and Liam were sleeping together on the couch. Liam had already hid his superhero suit under his bed and changed into his pjs. Suddenly, they heard someone unlocking the door.

The door opened and Katie and Chuck came through. "We're home boys," Katie whispered as she walked up to the couch and placed her hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam's eyes then opened up slightly as he looked up at his parents. "Hi Mom. Hi Dad," Liam said softly as Max and Duke woke up as well. "Hi honey," Katie said as she kissed him on the cheek. "How was your day?" "It was eventful," Liam replied. "Did you get the group text from Steve about Pops?" Chuck asked. "Yeah," Liam replied sadly. "Poor Steve. He's had that dog for so long," Chuck said. "Poor Tiny too. Pops was like a father to him," Liam said with a sigh. "It's understandable why he'd want to have a private funeral for him with Tiny and Pickles." "Yeah," Katie said. "Did anything else happen today?" "Well, Max did ask Gidget to marry him today," Liam said as he petted Max on the head as the dog stood up proudly.

"Wait, what?!" Chuck exclaimed. "Oh yeah. This little Jack Russell Terrier's getting married tomorrow," Liam said as he continued to pet Max. "Oh, our Maxie's all grown up," Katie said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "So, where is the wedding happening?" Chuck asked. "We're going to have it here," Liam replied. "We might want to move some of the furniture though for everyone to fit."

"We'll get that done in the morning," Katie said. "Now, who's hungry?" "Me! Me! Me!" Liam exclaimed. Max and Duke howled in agreement. "Well then," Chuck said. "Let's eat!"

After everyone finished eating, they all went to bed. Max then looked back over at Gidget's apartment. "Tomorrow, everything is going to change forever," he said. "And I am ready for that change." Max then headed into Liam's room and pushed the door closed. Then he hopped up onto Liam's bed and lay down beside him. "Goodnight Max," Liam whispered as he wrapped his arm around the Jack Russell Terrier. "I love you." "I love you too little buddy," Max whispered back as the 2 of them fell asleep.

" "I love you too little buddy," Max whispered back as the 2 of them fell asleep

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