Chapter 30

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Change is a big part of life, but sometimes, it can be the best part.

Max, Duke, and Liam were out patrolling the city. Max and Liam were in the front looking around for any criminal activity that might be taking place. Noticing a man trying to take a woman's purse, Liam zapped the thief with a lightning blast, sending him flying backwards.

For example, some of our friends having superpowers now. We might not be used to it yet, but we will be eventually.

"Hey," Duke said as he pointed at Central Park. "Check it out." Max and Liam looked over at where Duke was pointing and saw Sergei, Menard, and Fourrage doing community service. "I hate this," Sergei grunted as he picked up the trash on the ground. Suddenly, Sergei tripped over something and fell face first into the dirt. Liam and the 2 dogs laughed as they continued their patrol.

One things for sure. Nothing's going to be the same.

Gidget and Tiberius were now flying side-by-side. As they swooped under the damaged Brooklyn Bridge, Gidget flew ahead of Tiberius and headed straight for the Manhattan Bridge. "Gidget! Wait for me!" Tiberius exclaimed as he flew after her.

But again, that can be one of the best parts of life.

In Tiny and Pickles's apartment, Daisy is using her telekinesis to lift Snowball, Tiny, Pickles, and Princess into the air. In the background, there was a photo of Pops with a pot of flowers an currently empty urn beside it.

Especially when we go through these changes with the people we care about.

Daisy lowered her friends to the ground. After she did, Princess walked over to Tiny and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush.

Such as our friends.

Mel and Buddy were once again playing their dancing game, which Mel won. "Rematch?" Buddy asked. "Heck yeah!" Mel exclaimed as he started another song.

Our families.

Hu and Laohu smiled as they watched their cubs play with each other.

And even our food.

Chloe was in the fridge looking for food when she found yet another cake. As usual, she immediately stuck her face into it.

I know that doesn't count as people but you get what I'm trying to say.

I know that doesn't count as people but you get what I'm trying to say

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Gidget suddenly swooped down and landed next to Max.

But if there's one thing I know, it's that as long as we're united, we'll be able to make it through these changes for no trouble at all.

Max and Gidget smiled as they nuzzled each other. Tiberius landed next to Liam as he and the rest of the the group smiled at the lovely couple.

And now, it's time for one of the biggest changes of all.

Later that day, everyone was in Katie's apartment for Max and Gidget's wedding. The whole apartment had been set up with a small stage, wedding music, and all of the other requirements. Standing on the stage were Max, Duke, and Liam. They were both wearing wearing tuxedos that Daisy made for them.

Rooster and Shep were also attending the wedding. Shep was sitting on the couch with Katie and Chuck while Rooster was sitting next to Snowball. "Wasn't expecting to see you here, Country Dog," Snowball said. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world," Rooster said. "Here they come," Daisy said as she looked down the isle and saw Tiberius and Gidget enter.

Tiberius walked Gidget down the isle. She was wearing a wedding veal and dress that were also made by Daisy. Max smiled as Gidget stepped up onto the stage. "You look so beautiful," Max said. "Thank you Max," Gidget said.

Liam took a deep breath and said, "My friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Max and Gidget in holy matrimony."

Tiny, Pickles, and Princess were sitting together when they heard someone crying. They looked over at Chloe and noticed tears streaming down her face. "Chloe, are you crying?" Tiny asked. "No," Chloe replied as she wiped the tears off of her face. "You're crying." "Shh," Princess piped up. "We're at a wedding, remember?" "Sorry," Tiny whispered.

"Gidget, do you take Max to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Liam asked. "I do," Gidget replied. "And Max, do you take Gidget to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Liam asked. "I do," Max replied. "Then with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Liam said. "You may now kiss the bride." And with that, Max and Gidget shared a passionate kiss and everyone started cheering.

"Woohoo!" Tiny cheered. "Congratulations guys!" Buddy exclaimed. "You go Tiny Dog and Puffy Dog!" Snowball exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you guys!" Daisy exclaimed. "That's my brother!" Duke exclaimed. "You guys are awesome!" Chloe exclaimed. Tiny then looked over and smiled at the tabby cat. "Well done, Max. Well done," Rooster said proudly to his student. Max and Gidget smiled at the audience before looking back at each other. "The 2 of them then shared one last passionate kiss before the scene faded to black.

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