Mid Credits Scene

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5 months later, First Day of Winter Break
Max was in Liam's bedroom with his brothers. He was pacing back and forth in front of the door with a nervous expression on his face. "Max, don't worry," Liam said. "She's going to be fine." "Are you sure?" Max asked. "Positive," Liam said. "She's a very strong dog." Max then took a deep breath and smiled. "You're right," he said. "Thanks Liam." "No problem," Liam said as he gave his brother a hug. Suddenly, Daisy entered the room with a smile on his face. "Max," Daisy said softly. "Come meet your new puppies."

Max, Duke, and Liam entered the living room to find Gidget laying on Max's bed with 2 small Jackeranian puppies weaning her. Max smiled as he walked over to Gidget and nuzzled her. "Max, say hello to our son and daughter," Gidget whispered. Max then leaned down and kissed his son and daughter on the forehead. "They're so cute," Duke said. "What are you gonna name them?" Liam asked. "I think we should name the boy Jack," Gidget replied. "It fits with his breed, and also, I just really like that name." "I like that name too," Max said. "I'm still gonna call him Tinier Dog," Snowball said. "And the girl?" Daisy asked. "Penny," Max replied. "What do you think, honey?" "I love it," Gidget replied.

Suddenly, Tiberius flew in. "Hey guys," he said as he looked down at the 2 puppies weaning his best friend. "Is that them?" "Yes Tiberius," Gidget said. "This is them." Tiberius smiled down at the newborn pups. "Hey there, kiddos," he said softly. Penny then caught the red-tailed hawk's scent and crawled over to him.

Gidget chuckled. "I think Penny wants you to pick her up," she said. Tiberius then did so. Penny then started licking the red-tailed hawk's face. "You sure are cute," Tiberius said softly.

"So, who are the godfathers are going to be?" Snowball asked. "Well, Duke, you are Jack's godfather," Max replied. "And for Penny?" Tiberius asked. "That's easy. You," Max replied as he smiled at the hawk. "R-Really?" Tiberius asked in surprise. "Of course. It's obvious Penny really likes you," Max replied. "Thank you," Tiberius said as he teared up a bit. "And as for who lives with who once they're older, I was thinking Penny should stay with you and Tiberius while Jack stays with me, Duke, and Liam," Max said. "Is that alright with you, Gidget?" "I think that's a great idea, Max," Gidget replied.

"Nothing is going to be the same now that the babies are here," Liam said as he poked Jack and Penny's noses. "But sometimes change is good and this change is one that I'm very happy with," Max said. "Jack, welcome to the world."

"Scene fades to black*

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