Mini Movie #2

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3 Men and a Puppy - Liam, Duke, and Tiberius are put in charge of watching Jack.

*I'm very sorry for the long delay*

"I just want to thank you 3 again for watching Jack while Gidget and I are at the Igloo with Tiny and Princess," Max said. "No problem," Liam said. "We love the little guy." "Are you sure it isn't any trouble?" Gidget asked. "Jack can be quite a handful sometimes." "Don't worry. It'll be just fine," Duke said. "You 2 just go and have fun on your double date." "And tell Tiny and Princess we said hello," Tiberius said. "Will do," Gidget said. "Jack then padded over to Max and Gidget and nuzzled them. "I love you Mommy and Daddy," the puppy said softly. "We love you too Jack," Max and Gidget said as they licked their son's cheeks before heading for the window. "Don't forget to take him to his puppy class," Max said. "It'll be in about an hour." "Max, it's Saturday," Liam said. "Jack doesn't have Puppy Class today." "Oh, right," Max chuckled. "Anyways, bye Max and Gidget," Liam said. "Have fun on your date." "Bye boys," Gidget said as she and Max hopped out the window and walked down the fire escape. "So," Liam said. "Who's ready to have some fun?"
20 minutes later
Tiberius was flying around the room with Jack riding on back, laughing all the while. "You having fun, kiddo?" The hawk asked. "Uh huh," Jack replied. "Aww," Duke said. "Jack is so cute. He kind of reminds me of you when you were a baby." "Yeah, Liam said. "Except I wasn't talking within the first 2 months of my life." "Dog aging is different from human aging," Duke reminded him. "In dog years, Jack is over a year old." "Good point," Liam said as Tiberius lowered himself and Jack slowly to the floor. "Again! Again! Again!" Jack said excitedly as he jumped up and down on Tiberius' back. "Sorry Jack but I need to take a break," the hawk said as he let Jack off of his back and flew up onto the couch. "How about you go for a walk with your uncles?" "Oh, okay," Jack said before walking over to Duke and Liam. "Alright," Liam said as he walked over to the window with Duke and Jack. "Let's get going."
Later in Central Park
Duke and Liam were walking side-by-side while keeping Jack in front of them. That way they could make sure they wouldn't lose track of the Jackeranian puppy. "Are you enjoying this Jack?" Liam asked. "Uh huh," Jack replied with a big happy smile on his face. "How about we head over to the park for a little bit," Duke said. "What do you say kiddo?" "Okay!" Jack exclaimed before panting happily.

The 3 dogs arrived at the park only to find Mel and Buddy chasing a butterfly. "Oh, hey guys," Buddy said. "What brings you here?" "Just taking Jack for a walk," Liam replied as he leaned down and pet the Jackeranian puppy on the head. "I just texted Tiberius," Duke said. "He'll be here in a few minutes." "Great," Liam said. "Could you guys watch him for a little bit while we get him something to eat?" "We won't let him out of our sites," Mel replied. "I find that hard to believe," Duke mumbled under his breath. "What?" Buddy asked having heard what the Newfoundland Mix said. "Nothing,"

"Is Penny also here with you?" Nope," Duke replied. "She actually went to Iris's dentist appointment with her. She was worried about her. "Awww. That was nice of her," Mel said. "Yeah. She's a sweet little pup," Duke said. "Anyways, Liam, let's go get Jack's lunch." "Alright," Liam said as he and Duke went to get some hotdogs from the hotdog stand.

"I'll have 3 hot dogs please," Liam said. "That'll be $6.00," the hot dog vender said back. Liam handed over the money while the hot dog vender gave him the hot dogs. "Have a nice day, kid," the hot dog vender said. "Thank you," Liam said back as he and Duke walked back over to Buddy and Mel, who now had Tiberius with them. "Hey Tiberius," Liam said. "You all rested up after flying around for 20 minutes with Jack riding on your back?" "Yep," Tiberius said. "Who knew a pup that small could be so heavy? I mean, I love the pup a whole bunch, but geez." "Kind of reminds me of Liam when he was a baby," Duke chuckled. "He was always chasing Max around the house. Poor dog couldn't get a single second of peace." Liam blushed after hearing that, feeling rather embarrassed. "Uh, speaking of Jack," he said, trying to change the subject. "Where is he?" "Uh, funny story," Mel said with a nervous smile. "You're going to laugh at this." "You lost him, didn't you?" Duke asked while glaring at the Pug and Dachshund. "Yes," they said while hanging their heads. "We need to find him now!" Liam exclaimed. "I'll look for him from the skies," Tiberius said as he went airborne. "You guys look around town!" "Got it!" Liam called up to the Red-Tailed Hawk as he, Duke, Buddy, and Mel searched around town.

They searched around for almost half an hour with no luck. After a while, they all met back up in Central Park. "Any luck, Tiberius?" Liam asked. "No," the hawk replied. "How about you guys?" "No," Liam and Duke said in unison.  "Where could he be?" Duke wondered. "Excuse me," a familiar voice said. Everyone looked over to see Ozone standing there. "Is this yours?" The hairless cat asked as he moved to the side to reveal Jack standing there.

"Jack!" Everyone exclaimed excitedly as Liam picked up the Jackeranian puppy and hugged him. "We were so worried about you," Liam said. "Where did you go?" "I didn't mean to scare you," Jack said sadly. "I saw a butterfly and chased it. Then I got lost. Then I started crying. Then Uncle Ozone found me and brought me back to you." Thanks Ozone," Liam said. "No problem kid," Ozone said. "Anything for a friend. Even though I don't think Max likes me being your friend." "That's not really up to him," Liam said. "Anyway, we're glad you're okay, Jack, but next time, please tell us before you go off chasing something so one of us can come with you."  "Okay Uncle Liam," Jack said. "I love you." Liam smiled and kissed the puppy on the forehead. "I love you too, little buddy," he said softly as he placed the Jack on Duke's back. "C'mon, let's go home."
Later back at the apartment
Liam, Duke, and Tiberius collapsed on the couch exhausted after what just happened. Liam helped Jack onto the couch since the pup was too small to get up by himself. Max and Gidget then entered the apartment and noticed how exhausted everyone looked. "What happened to you guys?" Max asked. "Jack got lost and we spent half an hour searching for him," Tiberius replied. "Luckily, Ozone found him and brought him back to us," Liam said. "How did he get lost?!" Gidget asked worriedly. "We brought him to Central Park and had Mel and Buddy watch him while Liam and I got him something to eat," Duke replied. "Let me guess, Jack saw something and started chasing it and Mel and Buddy were distracted by something else?" "Yep," Liam said. "We really need to stop trusting Mel and Buddy to watch the kids we care about," Duke said. "Agreed," Max said, remembering what happened with Ozone and Liam back when they went to save Laohu. "The important thing is Jack is safe." "Yeah, Liam said while petting Jack on the head. "That's all that really matters."


Liam --- Henry Lynch

Duke --- Eric Stonestreet

Tiberius --- Albert Brooks

Jack --- Julian Gooberman

Buddy --- Hannibal Buress

Mel --- Bobby Moynihan

Ozone --- Steve Coogan

Hot Dog Vender --- Michael Beattie

Max --- Patton Oswalt

Gidget --- Jenny Slate

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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