Mini Movie #1

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Double Date Disaster - Max and Gidget invite Tiny and Princess to join them at the Igloo for a double date, but things go wrong when Tiny gets hurt on the ice.

Princess was waiting on the windowsill for Tiny, Max and Gidget to show up. About a week ago, Tiny had asked her on a double date to the Igloo along with Max and Gidget . "I'm really nervous about this," Princess said. "I've never ice skated before." "I'm sure you'll do great," a familiar voice said from outside on the fire escape. Princess looked down to find Tiny sitting on the fire escape. "Are you ready to go?" The basset hound asked. "Max and Gidget are waiting for us at the Igloo." Princess nodded as she hopped through the window and followed Tiny down the fire escape.
Later at the Igloo
"Glad you guys could make it," Max said. "Before we start, have you guys ever skated before?" "Nope," Tiny said. "Not even once," Princess said. "Don't worry," Gidget said. "It's easier than you think." "Wait, who's watching Jack right now?" Princess asked. "His uncles and godfather are taking care of him," Gidget said. "Okay, good," Tiny said. "At least he's not home alone."

We told you this would be easy," Gidget said as she slid gracefully across the ice. "After a while, it gets a lot easier," Max said as he slid over beside his wife. Meanwhile, Tiny and Princess were struggling to get on their feet. "Easy for you to say!" Tiny exclaimed. "You've done this before! This is our first time!" Max and Gidget then slid over and helped the 2 small dogs to stand up. "Thanks," Tiny and Princess said in unison. "Happy to help," Max said. "Now, let's get you guys moving." The 2 dogs then nudged Tiny and Princess forward. "If you need to stop, use your claws," Gidget said as she and Max slid after them. "Hey, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this," Princess said as she slid gracefully across the ice. "Same here," Tiny said as he did the same. "Tiny! You're about to hit the wall!" Max exclaimed. "Wait, what?" Tiny asked before slamming into wall and falling flat on his stomach.

"Tiny, are you okay?!" Princess exclaimed as she slid over to Tiny. "I'm okay," the basset hound said as he got back up, but when he placed down his front left paw, he flinched and lifted it back up immediately. "What's wrong?" Princess asked. "I think I sprained my paw," Tiny said as Max and Gidget slid over to him and Princess. "Here Tiny," Gidget said as she lay down and Max helped Tiny get on her back. "Let's get you to the vet to get your paw checked out."

After the trip to the vet, Tiny and Princess were walking home together. Princess was helping him with keeping his paw off of the ground. "So, it really is just sprained?" Princess asked. "That's what Dr. Francis said," Tiny replied. "The earpiece we gave him made it a lot easier to talk to him." "Agreed," Princess said. "Speaking of which, why did the police let us keep the earpieces after taking Sergei, Fourrage, and Menard into custody?" "It was a little reward for helping to catch them," Tiny said. "Oh, okay," Princess said.

The 2 dogs then arrived at their apartment building. "Do you need help getting up the stairs?" Princess asked. "I'll be okay," Tiny said. "I appreciate the offer though." Tiny then limped his way up the stairs. "I feel like this is my fault," Princess said sadly. Tiny then stopped and looked back at the poodle. "Princess, this isn't your fault," the basset hound said as he limped back over to his friend. "I just didn't react quick enough." "If only I had gotten your attention quicker," Princess said. "You wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first pla-" Before the poodle could finish what she was saying, Tiny l kissed her right on the lips, making her blush.

"Better?" Tiny asked. Princess smiled at the basset hound and nodded her head. "Good," Tiny said as he placed his forehead against Princess'. "I love you." "I love you too Tiny," Princess said as tears of joy formed in her eyes. Tiny then headed back up the fire escape to his apartment. "See you tomorrow Princess," he said. "You too," Princess said. "Bye Tiny."
A few minutes later
Princess arrived back at her apartment and lay down on her bed. "Minus the fact that Tiny get hurt, this was one of the best days of my life," she said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep before the scene faded to black.


Princess --- Ava Kolker

Tiny --- Ryan Elwood

Max --- Patton Oswalt

Gidget --- Jenny Slate

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