Chapter 14

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"Do you guys think we might not come back from this?" Tiny asked. "Sergei has an entire army of mind controlled circus animals at his disposal." "We'll be okay," Max assured him. "We've beaten him twice before. We'll beat them again." "But now they have Hu and Laohu on their side," Tiny said. "Deep down, Hu and Laohu are still the same sweet and innocent tigers we all know and love," Daisy said. "We'll get through to them." "I guess you're right," Tiny said.

"Hey, remember that time Hu and Laohu put Norman in charge of their cubs?" Liam asked. "Yeah," Max said chuckling. "I think he really appreciated that you helped him out with that." "That was the first time anyone called me Lightning Liam," Liam said. "We know," Snowball said. "Norman told us. That's where we got the idea for your superhero name." "And your suit came shortly after that," Daisy said. "That would explain why you already had my suit ready," Liam said. "How long have you had it?" "About a year," Snowball and Daisy said in unison. "We were just waiting to give it to you until you were ready to join the team." "I wondered how you already had it ready for me," Liam said.

"Liam, remember the time we got lost in the woods?" Tiny asked. "When did that happen?!" Max exclaimed. "Scout camping trip," Liam replied. "We were lucky to find our way out." "Remember the time Molly and I made you that cake for your Holy Communion last year with the help of the rest of the League of Paws?" Snowball asked. "How could I forget?" Liam said. "You 2 made the same thing for my 8th birthday." "Speaking of birthdays, what are you planning for next year?" Tiny asked. "I actually haven't decided what I want to do for my 9th birthday yet," Liam replied. "But I'm really wanting to..."

Before Liam could finish what he was saying, the lead wolf came out of nowhere and tackled Liam to the ground. "Liam!" Duke exclaimed as he ran over and head butted the lead wolf off of him. Liam then pushed himself back up and the team got into their fighting positions. The wolf growled angrily at the team as he stared at them with glowing red eyes. Suddenly, the other wolves came out and surrounded them. "Sergei must've sent them to slow us down!" Tiny exclaimed. "Well we aren't gonna go down that easily," Snowball said. "Get ready League of Paws. If these wolves want a fight, they've got one."

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