Chapter 27

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"Tiberius, we need to talk," Gidget said as she walked to the back of the bus where the red-tailed hawk was sitting. "It's about Iris." "You don't need to worry," Tiberius said. "I left her with Molly." "It's not about that," Gidget said. "When we were going through the secret route, a very interesting video appeared on the big screen in time square." "What was it about?" Tiberius asked. "It was about a little girl trying to jump off of the fire escape before a red-tailed hawk with a scar just like yours saved her," Gidget said. "Care to explain?" Tiberius then looked down at the Pomeranian with a nervous look on his face. "I, uh..." he said before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I was chasing squirrel that I saw outside our window, and after I caught it and ate it, I came back to see her on the edge of the fire escape." Gidget smiled and pat the red-tailed hawk on the back with her paw. "Thank you for being honest with me," the Pomeranian said. "The important thing is that nobody got hurt. Just, promise you won't let that happen again." "Alright," Tiberius said as he smiled at Gidget. "I promise."

"Glad that's settled," Max said as he joined the 2 in the back along with Liam. "Hey Max," Gidget said as she moved over to make room for her fiancé and future brother-in-law. "What's up?" "I wanted to tell you who I chose to officiate our wedding tomorrow," Max said. "Oh, okay," Gidget said. "Who did you choose?" "Liam," Max said. "Isn't he a little too young to officiate a wedding?" Tiberius asked. "He's only 8." "I can handle it," Liam said. "Are you okay with this, Gidget?"  "As long as you're sure you can handle it, sweetie," Gidget said as she licked Liam's face. Max smiled as he and Gidget placed their foreheads against each other again. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Tattoo shouted as he once again crashed the bus into the no parking sign outside the apartment building where most of the pets lived.

"And here I thought we would avoid the no parking sign this time," Chloe said. "Yeah, that sign is really unlucky," Norman said. Sweetpie chirped in agreement. "Alright, let's head home," Tiny said. "After a day like this, I'm gonna need some sleep." "We all are," Buddy said. "Later guys." "See you at the wedding!" Mel exclaimed as he headed up the fire escape to his apartment. "We should get home too," Liam said after checking the time on his phone. "Mom and Dad will be home in about 30 minutes." "You guys go on ahead," Max said. "I'm gonna say goodbye to Gidget real quick." Liam and Duke nodded as they started heading up the fire escape along with everyone else.

Max then walked over to Gidget and Tiberius. "I'll give you 2 some alone time," Tiberius said as he flew up to his and Gidget's apartment. Gidget smiled as she walked over to Max, who placed his paw on top of hers. "Goodnight Gidget," Max said. "I love you." "I love you too Max." Gidget said as she and the Jack Russell Terrier shared a passionate kiss before heading to their apartments.

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