Chapter 10

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The team arrived at the roof and walked over to the ramp. "Lower the ramp please," Tiny said the cat sitting on the ramp. "What's with the costumes?" The cat asked. "We're the League of Paws," Daisy replied. "Am I supposed to know what that means?" The cat asked. "We're a group of individuals trying to protect New York," Snowball said. "I'm Captain Snowball. This is Sergeant Daisy, Mighty Max, Grand Duke, Lightning Liam, Super Gidget, and Tiny Miracle." The cat chuckled at Tiny's superhero name. "Seriously?" He asked. "I didn't pick the name," Tiny replied as he looked sternly at Snowball who avoided eye contact with the basset hound. "Anyway, would you please lower the ramp?" Tiny asked. "Alright," the cat said as he lowered the ramp. "Good luck with whatever you're doing." "Thanks," Tiny said. "By the way, I never got your name." "Michael," the cat replied. "Okay then, thank you Michael," Liam said. "Did that kid just understand me?" Michael asked. "Yeah, Liam is able to understand what animals are saying," Daisy replied. "How?" Michael asked. "We don't know," Tiny said as he and the team walked up the ramp and hopped down onto the scaffolding below.

"I always hated this part," Gidget said. "Me too," Tiny said. "Why?" Liam asked. "You guys better hold on tight!" Snowball exclaimed as he pressed the button on the scaffolding, causing it to rocket downward at high speed. "Wooooohooooo!" Snowball cheered while everyone else was screaming for their lives. The scaffolding soon landed and the door opened. "C'mon, let's go," Snowball said as he hopped off the scaffolding. Everyone else stood their frozen in place with looks of fear in their eyes. "It's even worse the second time," Gidget said while panting dramatically. "Uh huh," Tiny whimpered as he nodded in agreement.

Everyone was now passing in front a giant screen in Time Square. A video suddenly appeared on the screen. The video showed Iris attempting to jump off the balcony before Tiberius saved her. Gidget noticed this and gasped. "Oh, that hawk is so busted when I get home!" She exclaimed.

The team was then lowered to the outside Guillermo's apartment by a flock of pigeons. "Those are some very strong pigeons," Liam said. Duke nodded in agreement. Tiny then went over to the sliding door and tapped on the glass with his nose. An iguana then came up to the door and opened it with its tongue. Everyone walked through the apartment quietly, trying not to wake up Guillermo.

They soon arrived at the yellow pipe at the end of the secret route. "I don't think Liam and I are gonna fit through that," Duke said as he looked down the pipe. "We know," Tiny said as he whistled for the pigeons to come back and carry Duke and Liam down to the bottom of the pipe. "Again I say, very strong pigeons!" Liam shouted. Tiny then hopped into the pipe, followed by Max, Gidget, Snowball, and Daisy. "Woooo!" Everyone cheered as they slid down the pipe. Tiny soon landed at the bottom of the pipe and was greeted by Duke and Liam. Tiny was about to walk over to the duo when suddenly the rest of the team came out of the pipe and landed on top of him. "Why did I go first?" Tiny groaned as everyone climbed off of him. "C'mon! Hurry!" Snowball exclaimed. "We need to get to the underbelly before Sergei and his thugs!" The team nodded and followed him through the pipe leading to the sewers.

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