15. The Cave

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Nightfall had come by the time we got to a vacant spare cave. After taking some time to settle in, we managed to make it quite comfortable for the night. Currently, Hiccup laid in the back, in wolf form licking the wound on his front leg, while I sat there cooking some food we brought over a fire I built.

Every so often, Hiccup would let out a quiet whine after licking as if he were hurting himself. Each time he'd whimper, I'd have to refrain myself from interfering. "Here!" I say throwing him a cooked piece of meat. 

He stopped torturing himself looking up. "What's this?"

"Steak. It's like what you hunt for, but, cooked." I answered him calmly. He sniffed it, then looked up at me, unsure of what I was giving him. "Try it," I tell him.

He gave me a look, ripping a piece off carefully He didn't reply. Soon after, he had swallowed it whole, not even taking his time. "Hungry?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Starving," He replied, rolling onto his side, working at the wound on his front leg.

I smile getting up. I go to him, kneeling down in front of him carefully. "Let me see that wound."

"I'll handle it." He said.

"Hiccup we still have a long way to go. You need to be able to move." I tell him. I take his paw, examining it. As soon as I moved it, he snarled in pain. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, let me see!" I say to him, looking over his paw. "Oh, Hiccup. You've been gnawing on this. It's getting infected." I say to him, taking the first aid kit off the sled.

"Let me see," I say. I take a wet cloth dabbing the wound, making him cringe. "Sorry," I whisper.

"No. It's okay." He answered sarcastically. "Feels great!"

Before I could do anything with the wound, it healed itself. "I forgot you can heal yourself," I say.

He pulled his paw back, tucking it underneath him. The fire goes out from the snow, blowing it. The wind makes me shiver. "Cold?" He asked me, lowering his head to the ground.

"Kinda," I reply. He wrapped his tail around me protectively, before resting his head down on the rocks. I look at him.

He shifted his paws, moving a little. "It'll make you warmer," I curl up to him as he lowers his head again. He was like burning hot. I guess wolves always run hot. "I can feel your cold, seeping into me." He told me. "You're freezing!"

I rest my head against his neck. "Sorry."

He lowered his head again. "It's okay. I don't feel it much. I've got thick fur"

The wind blew more making me shiver more. Usually, the cold doesn't bug me, but this. This is bugging me. We are further up north than normal. He wrapped his tail around me, somewhat protectively, letting me curl up to him. I slowly try to close my eyes, but my instincts tell me not to. "Sleep." He told me. "You're safe." I feel the warmth from his fur, sink into my body. I feel safe with him, allowing myself to close my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.

Her Wolf ~Book 1~ [Hiccelsa]Where stories live. Discover now